School Shooting in CT

Lol JayS, sorry dude, some of your logic is looking REALLY flimsy there. I COMPLETELY agree with you that its much more difficult than just making guns illegal (with how that would instantly make newly unarmed people prey to those who posses illegal weapons) but saying its the shooter and yada yada yada… Really? The point, THE FACT is, if somehow we dint live in gun culture, a lot of this shit wouldnt happen.

I still say its a cultural/psychological thing more than anything though. People could make homemade explosives for schools and offices if they wanted to do some damage in countries with less access to firearms. They dont though because a) its difficult/takes time to formulate, and b) they have a fuse that prevents them from doing stuff like this.

Edit: Its pretty lengthily but is this phenomenon im talking about. Its called Aggravated Entitlement.

Heres a summary

Blame it on Sons of Anarchy. That show makes me want to own so many sweet guns… and buy a harley.

He left a fancy high capacity shotgun in the car and used the rifle to do all the shooting except himself… They were the mom’s guns paid for by $200k a year in child support from 2%er uninvolved wall street daddy…sounds like plenty of potential issues there

---------- Post added at 10:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 PM ----------

Also the trampling of the term “westernized” in this thread is what is exhausting…

Could you post a source for the daddy issue comment. I knew there was something deep we weren’t hearing but kinda tuned out after having many debates with people on FB. I cannot believe how many people refuse to admit they are a shareholder of our society and play some role in our momentum. Seems most think they are at the whim of everyone else and society is making us all victims. 8/

Moboost. Aggrieved entitlement… Ok carry on

Brief mention on 48 hours tonight…dad is an exec at GE…not involved with the kids…has new family

Personally buzzing someone in and looking at the security camera could result into letting anyone In. This kid really has to of been really sick in the head to do this obvs.

CT has some very strict gun laws, not unlike NY and CA etc…This kid stole all of these guns from his mother. It is illegal for anyone under 21 in CT to own a gun, plus he didnt have a permit for the handguns, plus its a felony to bring guns on to school property. Clearly he was in no way, shape, or form legally allowed to posses any of these weapon on school property or not. The point is this: he was not legally allowed to have these weapons anyway, so stricter gun laws would not have changed anything in this instance. Ironically, with the shooting in Oregon at the shopping mall; the AR15 used in that instance was also stolen.

Don’t forget this quote from someone in the Obama admistration… “Never let a crisis go to waste.”
I think more gun control is definately coming which should drive a bigger wedge into this country.

So in summary, all the firearms involved were obtained legally. This person (I’ll use that term because it’s convenient) stole them and committed this whatever you want to call it without going blind from rage. The gun control activists don’t want more laws because more laws wouldn’t have prevented this. They only want one law, the banning of guns completely.

You know what that gun homicide rates by country graph tells me? If guns are outlawed, they will just be imported illegally from Mexico and Columbia just like the billions of dollars worth of drugs that are now.

If anti-gun types could somehow disarm the government (AND everyone else around the world) I would consider going along with their theory. They can’t, so I won’t.
Guns have 1 very legitimate use, namely hunting for food. So it’s not the guns that are becoming more deadly…it’s the people that have gotten more deadly and misusing the tool, an inanimate object. I don’t disagree that we might see lower kill counts if there were no such thing as guns. But who’s to say really? We’ve seen planes & vans loaded with fertilizer, other tools misused to create even bigger tragedies.

Perhaps removing the guns would only cause the sick & twisted to plot longer and up the ante? To the statisticians, IMO we have no reliable statistics because people are evolving and statistics aren’t always good at predicting the moving target (no pun intended). Statistics can be made to say or prove whatever the person wants to suggest, they are subjective. Those that are willing to call information gathered by humans “hard facts” are kidding themselves as I see it. No, I don’t have a statistic to prove my case but I will say that 92.7% of statistics are subjective 98% of the time…except on Fridays.

Australia banned guns seemed to work out?

oh wait it didn’t

We should just ban people. The war on human beings would solve all issues.

You mean Rahm Emanuel? (Rahm Emanuel - Wikipedia) He worked as chief of staff for Obama in '09 and '10. He was also a house member for a district in Illinois from 03-09, and is currently the mayor of Chicago. In context that quote doesn’t really hold any weight for that argument.

When Obama was first elected in 08 people said he was gonna come take all our guns. It never happened, and I really doubt it’s going to. Ideology aside, any type of gun control legislation he supported would be political suicide. The right would completely destroy him on that.

For the topic at hand, I really don’t know what’s causing the problem, but I highly doubt it’s gun control. Crazy people are gonna find ways to do stupid shit and murder people regardless of how. If it’s not guns it’s knives or bombs. There’s a cultural issue here beyond the legal issue.

Laws, rules & subjective “morals” only apply to people that believe in the same things. Note how upstanding citizens abide by most rules and fear consequence, then note how criminals show utter disregard for the same rules and have limited fear of consequence. I’m not convinced regulating everything is the answer, in fact I’d suggest it’s more of the problem in many cases. You can only regulate those that fear the consequence of breaking the rules, these are typically the good guys.

We should grab a drink sometime…we’re on a similar wavelength it seems. I owe LZ one already, let’s make it happen.

Right on statement in my book.

Why isn’t this example of Ccw working being played on the news?

Get back in lock step.

There’s plenty if these stories that never make the news.