School Shooting in CT

Yeah schools buzzing you in is a joke. The kid could have said “Oh my mom is a teacher here” buzzzzzz.


Shhhh. I didn’t hear about it on the news so I’d like to pretend it didn’t happen.
The mainstream media firewall has clearly defined what it will allow us to hear about. I’m shocked they aren’t doing more to filter the interwebz…makes me think they are comfortable with the level of naivety in our culture.

Wow the fucking news reporters are brutal during live interviews with the medical examiner.

So again, please explain how your great gun control is doing anything at all then. The fact that your body counts haven’t been high really has NOTHING to do with gun control since the body count is entirely related to the shooter. Canada’s strict gun control has failed just as bad as our lax gun control when you have crazy people shooting innocent people in public places. You don’t get points for the dumb luck that your shooters were poor shots, only targeting a few people or simply not as organized as ours.

I think the big difference is your country does a lot better job dealing with mental health issues than mine. The people in your country shooting your citizens are stable enough to generally have an intended victim and limit their attack to those few. When you have extremely strict handgun laws and people are being shot with handguns in your mall it’s pretty laughable to argue that more gun control in the US is the answer to our problems.

Jay, how about we just let this one go?

I’d rather not pursue this any further. It’s exhausting for us all I’m sure.

How about you just admit you were full of it in suggesting Canada was so much better off simply because of it’s gun control laws and we can. You love to come in and shit on threads and the US in general then hide behind, “oh, I don’t have time for this” when you get proven wrong.


so your point was then that the only difference is that the US mass-murders are better prepared than the Canadian ones and that is why the kill counts are higher?

gun control is the primary means by which to impact gun culture. Beyond access to guns is the rules around use, storage and transport… all of which are much stricter in Canada / Ontario such that owning a gun is a costly, time consuming and all around inconvenient task which limits the use of them but also binds owners into a particular mindset and use-pattern.

I know many gun guys and I enjoy looking through their collections and handling the guns and shooting them wherever but NO ONE rolls around with guns up here. You go to the range and then you put it back in the safe with the lock on and the ammo in the boxes, no exceptions. they don’t come up in conversation and no one talks about it. out of sight, out of mind, out of dialogue, out of the question.

mental health is a cop out that spreads the blame all over the place… pharmaceuticals, economic, mommy daddy issues etc. you turn the issue into something that cannot be fought so that you can ignore the numbers…

I’ll use Mike’s chart to support the point.

Oh wow, Columbia, Haiti, Mexico, seriously???

You are actually arguing that gun control is not relevant here?

I’m not saying that it will solve it, any solution will take at least half a generation to curb the regularly occurring massacres. It will take all kinds of policy and cultural change to accomplish what needs to be done but there is no way any progress will be made without stronger gun control; not necessarily just to restrict who has access but to change the dialogue and the culture around guns entirely.

Moreover, since most of the shooters give no actionable signs of mental illness in advance (and are then basically regular people) the argument that criminals will still get guns is not relevant since these people are not criminals until the day of the shooting. If it were harder for regular people to get the guns and own them (like it is in every other western nation other than the US) then it would be much more difficult for regular people to go pyscho.

At the very least, you have to eliminate or isolate the gun control issue before you seriously imply that something else is to blame.

If you guys are actually suggesting mental health is the dominant factor here then you haven’t really suggesting anything actionable and you might as well just get used to these things happening 3-4 times a year.

Bing, I’m not a Canadian, nor familiar with Canadian gun laws / rules. What is generally involved in obtaining a handgun in Canada? Are personal protection or concealed carry permits even available? This is not a setup.

Im not 100% sure but i do not believe you can get a concealed carry permit up here as a regualr citizen.

If you could i would know people who had one. I like guns just as much as any other guy and i know some guys who invest a fair bit of $$ into them and they all treat their guns the same. In the safe, locks on the triggers, ammo separate. You cannot have them in the car and you cannt drive around with them unless you are going to the range or coming back from it.

This is anecdotal from recent conversations because ive asked these same questions recently.

:popcorn: I’m trying to sit this out. But everyone knows I want to open my mouth.

at this point you might as well just get in here :slight_smile:

Will a criminal or psychopath observe these laws? The whole debate is ludicrous. Let’s ban cars knives baseball bats alcohol cigarettes… If one of those teachers or a parent in the building would have been armed could lives have been saved? The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Let’s start a war on guns, the war on drugs worked well. Unbelievable.


I think outlawing murder would be a good place to start.

Let the shit storm begin: he didn’t use a pistol, he used a big, mean, “assault” rifle.

The news was first reporting that he used a handgun “that law enforcement and the CIA use” OMG THE CIA

^Thats exactly what I thought too lol. They said they found two handguns on him and a rifle in the trunk of the car. Now if turns out he used a rifle for everything?

That’s fishy.

Conspiracy. Just like the plane never hit the pentagon.

Back… and to the left, back… and to the left. Grassy knoll anyone?

I bet there are people that think this is a big Trojan horse in order to advance the anti gun agenda. Wack jobs and extremists on both sides of the issue.

Each victim was shot multiple times. Sick fuck.