School Shooting in CT

100% agree. I guess we should outlaw alcohol as well, because it kills so many motorists each year.

it’s amazing the lengths people will go to in order to take the pressure off of gun control despite it’s statistically indisputable role.

let’s blame mental heath >>> find out it’s basically the same as other similar nations with 20% of the gun deaths per capita

let’s blame school security >>> turn that shit into airports >>> doesn’t do a thing

don’t change gun control / culture >>> massacres keep happening and everyone stands around 100% certain that it’s still not gun control / culture

it’s not my problem since it barely ever happens up here so i really don’t care what you guys do or how you feel about it but it gets tougher and tougher to feel bad for the victims as i mentioned.

So if we outlawed guns all together, this would never happen again? Sign me up!

you can’t put the genie back in the bottle and get to UK murder rates magically. The more I’m hearing the less I think anything could have been done.

exactly, over-emphasizing the point to make a mockery of it so that you don’t have to deal with the fact that you’re wrong.

kind of like union workers and how they think they’re entitled to their jobs…

but anyway, this is slippery slope and i had no intent of going this far with it. i was hoping a single snide comment would suffice and be overlooked.

Meanwhile in China…
“The dreaded attacks on school children returned to haunt China today after 22 of them were injured besides an 85-year-old woman after a “mentally deranged” man, armed with a knife, went on a slashing spree at a primary school.”

Excessive glamorous news coverage of shooter like always

You don’t think lower gun slayings in Canada could be attributed to free health care, and in turn free mental help?

I wouldn’t say free health care is the solution in America, but let’s be real. Nobody in their right mind with a gun, knife, bow and arrow, whatever, would walk into an elementary school and kill 20 kids under the age of 10. It has nothing to do with guns. If he did it with a chainsaw, nobody would say shit about guns and be pointing fingers at “how much of a whack job this guy is” and how he should have got help.

Uh the US has a population of 314,936,000

Canada has a population of 35,007,100

And there was just a shooting in Toronto a few months ago.

This right here is the root problem. It is not a political issue or a gun control issue. It is loaner ass holes that just want to be known for something. "Well my parents hate me, all the kids in school used to beat me up, I guess if I kill them all I will be just as remembered as ____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ "

Now seriously fill in those four blanks with the names of 4 massacre shooters in recent history. I bet that you can easily do it.

Now name two victims.

Our news should not even be mentioning the person that pulled the trigger, just that some sick bastard shot babies. They should be focusing on the victims and their families that are willing to speak.

I found this interesting

“We should focus our efforts on banning and restricting the sale of the Louisville Slugger. The slugger causes more deaths per year in violent crimes than all rifles combined, not just assault rifles. Some statistics here: Blunt objects were used to murder 611 people. Rifles were used to murder 348 people, and that is all rifles, of which assault rifles are only a small fraction. Assault rifles are used so infrequently in homicides that many police departments almost never see them; in 2009, there were nine states that did not have a single murder committed with any rifle. ( Vote for the ban on all baseball bats as they are well further ahead and almost double of the deaths from any type of rifle. Talk to your congressman, your senators, your local offices, please please please ban the baseball bat from the United States of America.”

In other news nobody on my facebook/twitter has outrage when 30 people in the hood of Chicago die in one weekend wtf?

Hey Bing, all your laws and superiority didn’t stop a shooter from letting bullets fly at a mall in Toronto. The only difference was that guy was a bad shot. He still got the gun, he still got the bullets, and he still let them fly at random strangers in a crowded public area. So maybe slide down off your high horse.

As for gun crime stats in the US vs other countries, what they fail to account for is the huge gang/drug problem we have here that other countries don’t. The anti-gun crowd loves to toss those gun death stats out any time there’s a shooting like this and pretend it shows we have these random mass killings all the time because gun death stats are high. The truth is if you’re not involved in a gang or drug activity your chances of dying in a gun related crime are extremely low. No one wants to say it because it’s un-PC, but most American’s done care about gang bangers killing other gang bangers. If we really cared about our gun crime statistics we’d come down with an iron fist on gangs.

The only time banning guns would have been a reasonable answer was if we had done it back when the country was founded. To try and back out now, with so many guns out there, would only remove them from the hands of responsible citizens while creating a whole other war; the “war on guns”.

Or to put it in Twitter/Facebook/Meme friendly wording… “I’ll stop using something because it was made illegal said no criminally insane person ever”.

I haven’t read this entire thread to see if this is a repost, but this is worth listening to.

School security isn’t that safe if they let a 20 year old in elementary school. I remember the first school shooting Columbine, the day after my school had a meeting to make it more secure, nothing happened but a cop showing up for one day a week, and they locked the doors and got intercoms. Like you couldn’t lie to the people letting you in.

Uh lots of elementary schools buzz you in

The news even said he broke in by force

I agree with all of this, including Bing getting off his Canadian high horse.

Buffalo city schools are not looking so bad anymore

It’s easier to combat the expected rather than the unexpected, fo show. Also, Buffalo is actually are getting a large virtualization/IT grant from what I hear on the DL.

It doesn’t matter whether you agree or not and I’m not sure which Toronto shooting you’re talking about but we only have a handful a year and all of them combined do not equal what happened in any one of yours; Connecticut; Aurora, or the various others that happen all over the states every year. MPD’s counter-point math showed a factor of 5 times give or take for US vs. Can and at least a factor of 4 vs any other westernized nation.

I’m not on a high horse; this will happen again in the next couple months somewhere (maybe even up here) and the same conversation will ensue with nothing achieved and more lives lost and so on and so forth.

anyways, this is gay arguing about it… i’m going to go think about christmas gifts now.

The news only cares when its white suburban people…

The US has blown up way more children with drone strikes in the past 6-7 years.