School Shooting in CT

i was referring to issues around the guns, how they were obtained and whether gun control would have prevented it.

also, i’m no longer interested in the victims of these mass-atrocities. it happens every couple of weeks somewhere; just because they were white and less than a 12 hours drive from me doesn’t make them any closer than the stabbing victims in china or all the bullshit in Syria or all the suicide bombers in the middle east.

instead of feeling all shitty i’m going to go on about my day until it happens to people i actually care about; then i’ll get all bent out of shape over it.


yeah, sorry to sound like a prick but i just chose not to get all caught up in this crap since nothing will be done to prevent it… you can’t have your cake and eat it too but everyone can keep refuting this:

Shit like this is insane. i really dont think i can comfortably bring kids into a world where children are no longer even safe at fucking school. My cousin was hit killed and left to die on the side of the road last fall by a drunk cunt when, he had a few too many to drive at a party and was walking 3 miles home instead of getting behind the wheel of his car and risking killing someone. it all makes me think twice about having kids of my own in this sick world.

Then what also drives me nuts is, along with the shooter in colorado… what exactly is the line of insanity and someone just being a piece of shit?? To me if they can function, hold a job, have relationships with friends and family, then go on a mass killing spree…they deserve to be killed in the most brutal way possible and are not insane and are just pieces of shit that need to be exterminated. But then again someone sane could never do something like this in my mind as well. It blows my mind and i cant understand or wrap my mind around it.

Insert super moving Facebook post that will generate a lot of “likes” just so that I can keep my popularity level up there.

What makes me more upset is the amount of people who will wake up tomorrow and forget this ever happened, yet today they are “Facebook mourning” this event. It’s times like this that I hate social media and the media in general.

This is a really shitty event that I will have to know happened in my generation and I feel fucking terrible for those families, but FFS half of these people posting about are only doing so to be in the latest clique.

My posts are rarely popular and typically call people out for their story of the moment re-posting. Below is one of my rants from this today…

“Like every tragedy past, this will be a fleeting moment and the disgust will subside. Greed and selfishness always finds its way back into the hearts of Americans. Prove me wrong, I dare you all! Let this disgust linger and let’s change our society for the benefit of all for a change.”

Taking no action is oddly enough an action of sorts. I don’t know much about Canada or your national sense of community, I suspect your citizens are more “United” than folks in the United States? You’re too smart to wait for a personal tragedy to open your eyes…from what I can tell about you anyways. You know full well at that point it would be too late, you’re a smart dude.

What do you guys think about the guns supposedly being his Mothers? A woman owning firearms in a gun restrictive state…there’s more to this story IMO. I would never condone hurting kids or innocent people of course. That said I do feel there was something that happened to this kid that took him to this level of darkness.

Of all your how many guns killed how many people statistics, where’s the statistic that lists how many of those deaths were the result of a firearm jumping up off the table, loading bullets in itself, and floating out the door to claim it’s random victim? You know this has nothing to do with guns.

You are partially right.

It’s important that people see this and mourn it for a short time, but as a nation and as human beings, we must move on. That is life. We have to learn what we can, mourn the loss of others and move on. For folks more detached from the incident that will be easier to do, than say immediate family. Those people will mourn for quite some time.

Absolutely and those people unfortunately should mourn. I just hate that our society had taken the path that every time something happens, they post a picture on Facebook and think that’s how they are showing support.

Anyways I’m done ranting about it out of respect for those involved. Nobody should ever have to be apart of this and I wouldn’t ever wish that upon anyone.

thanks for agreeing with me, by a factor of about 4.

the more effective counterpoint is that the guns used at the school are also available in most other nations, including Canada. i don’t have a counterpoint for that one so i’ll just hand it to you here :slight_smile:

We have a newly hired guy from Toronto in my department. He just told me this wouldn’t have happened if we had gun laws like Canada. I decided it was a proper time to leave the room.

Good idea

Fucking right.

You stop it with your damn logic.


His mother killed herself after complaining about work so he went for revenge.

That makes more sense than what we are being told so far. Just sayin.

The Bushmaster was found in his car, so there goes the whole “If it weren’t for these damn assault weapons” arguments.

What we need is better mental health programs to either get people with known issues like this kid help, or locked away. And even as a big gun rights guy I’m fine with not allowing mom to own guns when she has a crazy son living with her.

“Locked away” doesn’t seem to be working. Warning: NPR link below…

Another reason I hate the media: this kids mother wasn’t even affiliated with the school. Not a full time time teacher, not even on the payroll.

I’m with ya on this!