School Shooting in CT

gun show loophole to get around waiting periods has to go… that’s the biggest joke IMHO. I’d also like a limit on buying one gun per week to stop would be re-sellers. Proper licensing it probably also a good idea.

and we could do all this without banning anything.

So my cousin is a Marine in Afghanistan and he was talking about the Westboro church and how they are planning to pickett the funerals for these children. Any truth to this?

Wow… you guys really go exclusively gun law in EVERY single possible provoked thread dontcha?

Not just the facts, definitely spun. I.E.

Did the law have an effect on mass shootings? That’s possible, though not certain. As this chart from Princeton’s Sam Wang shows, the number of people killed in mass shootings did go down in the years the ban was in effect (save for a surge in 1999, a year that included Columbine):

Right. So as long as you don’t count the mass killings, mass killings went down.

Here’s a chart of the same data from a different source without the convenient scaling and truncating.

Just stirring the pot. :slight_smile:

Hmm… last gun show i went to i bought a rifle (a dangerous assault weapon made in 1916!) and was forced to pay $15 for an FBI background check before i was allowed to leave the building with it… Me thinks you need to do some homework?


I don’t get it there isn’t a gun show locally every day so you would have to wait anyways lol

You should see the shit you can buy on silk road and other anonymous trading sites online.

“gun show loophole” is a misnomer because it doesn’t really have to mean gun show. It refers to the idea that individuals “not engaged in the business” of dealing firearms, or who only make “occasional” sales within their state of residence, are under no requirement to conduct background checks on purchasers or maintain records of sale (although even private sellers are forbidden under federal law from selling firearms to persons they have reason to believe are felons or otherwise prohibited from purchasing firearms). The fact this exists mean anybody who want to get a gun can probably do it with ease negating any background checks really.

silk road would fall under this also really.

Almost every weekend there is one though.

And it would do NOTHING to stop a criminal, only hinder law abiding citizens.

No one can seem to get that through their skulls.

Below was something I posted on FB. Just seemed relevant given your rant.

“We need more rules, police & law enforcement…society & crime are getting out of hand.”

Well, considering crime ALWAYS stems from a feeling of disparity (often monetary), growing our bureaucratic bloat will most likely feed into the cycle we are attempting to control. In addition, increasing the number of rules & disciplinarians will play into yet another disparity folks are prone to losing marbles over…the reduction/elimination of freedoms.

So I say we need FEWER rules, a DECREASE in law enforcement and an overall REDUCTION in our entitled public sector. We need more bloat & middle men like we need a bullet in the head!

that’s stupid. Basically all guns used in a crime were legal at some point. I’m not proposing to ban anything, just have a consistent system across America to track sales and ownership. It beyond me how people can be against this idea.

Some states like NY have this covered, but we’re in the minority.

yes, they are.

“The proportion of people who are killed in rampage shootings is minuscule compared with the 30 to 40 people who die every day in the U.S. of homicide,” he said. “It troubles me that we focus on deaths in some shootings but not others. Maybe it could be the job of psychiatrists, who are specialists in understanding thought patterns, to point out to their fellow citizens why 99 percent of the other shootings in the U.S. go unremarked. What does that say about all of us?”

I think they should treat all gun ownership almost like an FFL application, from the standpoint of mandatory gun safes anyhow. I also think all gun sales should be registered with stiff penalties for selling face to face etc… I would go so far as to agree to banning like 50-100 round mags. There really is no point in civilians owning those anyhow IMO.

So there it is, being a centrist type I probably just pissed off both liberals AND conservatives and they are BOTH calling me “wishy washy”. :wink:

Like I said after the colorado movie theater shootings: You can’t build public policy for statistical outliers.

The media sensationalizes it, white people share facebook links with heartwarming stories that are 100% fabricated, politicians jump on it, and the next thing you know we all got in line to hand in a little more freedom for protection against a threat that never existed in the first place.

Eliminate mass media and social networking and problem is solved.

We are letting the uneducated/undereducated and media dictate our laws and policies.

Anyone who is pro-ban for firearms is misinformed and uneducated on the topic.

^^Fry, Can I steal that?