School Shooting in CT

Can we have the mods split the gun control banter into another thread so this one can stay about the young victims here?

I read everything, and really want to rip into some people but don’t want to completely ruin this thread…

Have at it.

I had to re-quote that on FB…it’s just such a perfect quote!

You can’t, but there is some common sense measures we can and should take (such as closing the gun show loophole nationally) especially when gun murder is very common in America.

It’s a lot like saying you can’t save everybody on the Titanic, so why have enough life rafts for them all.

This is so well said. You mind if I pass this along as well?

lol “gun murder” as opposed to what carrot through the eye murder? Should we take steps to fight car DWI, penis rape, and stuff theft?

lol @ penis rape.

Columbine had propane tanks in addition, do you require a background chcek for filling propane? Where do you stop…

Gun murder is the most common because it’s the easiest, but murder is not always done with a gun.

jabbu, are you proposing since regulating propane would never be effective we might as well not go after the low hanging fruit like how in most states you can sell a gun with no paper trail?


However the internet/hackers has been fighting back :lol:

And their websites( and all their other domains WBC 19x tango Down - currently offline

Hacked twitter -

And LOL channel 2 sent a news crew to a school this morning to interview parents dropping off children it upset so many people on facebook they had to pull the store and made apologies instead.

I saw all the uproar caused by that story. I can’t say that I am surprised at all, but you would think they would know better than to go and cause a scene at a school like that.

they live for stuff like this to get news coverage.

Well, they certainly got coverage…Social media is a hell of a thing. Sadly, they got more attention than they would have normally.

I like how the media thinks if this kid didn’t have any access to guns, he would live a normal life or what?

Remove the guns, he probably still would have at least slit his moms throat and headed to the school.

No guns, means these type of people will look for other means, food poisoning? Wipe out 90% of the school with some poison, probably just as easy to obtain and easier to deploy.

If the Westboro group shows their retarded faces at anything associated with this incident, I would expect more than a vicious response. I know if I were one of the people / families who lost their child or loved one and these dickweeds showed up at the funeral, there would be nothing under heaven or Earth that would keep me from manually twisting their heads off and booting it across the cemetery.

Just a FYI for anyone fucking with them on the internet or in person they’re extremely well known for taking legal action.

This kind of pissed off

I have always said if you can see the white all the way around a girl’s eyes she is crazy. Have you seen some of the pictures of the killer? No warnings? My ass, that kid was bat shit crazy.

after listening to the radio programs in the car all day i came away with the sense that probably the single biggest obstacle to having a meaningful discussion about gun control is that the 2 sides are talking completely different languages. there were numerous references made on various programs to “automatic weapons”, “sub machine guns”, ect which i think can only irritate the pro-gun side even if the anti-gun side says it out of pure ignorance…although i’m sure sometimes it is said for effect knowing that most listeners won’t realize there is any difference at all.

there was also constant talk about policy changes. closing the gun show loop hole, expanding background checks, bringing back the assault weapons ban, etc etc…all of which seemed as though they might not have had even the slightest impact on this specific event. as far as we know the guns were purchased legally by the mother who no one is accusing of having any criminality in a typical gun purchase of weapons that are all still available in AWB states like california other than the 30 round magazine.

so people will hang their hat on the 30 round magazine even though the kid was obviously familiar with the weapon and had he had to change mags 3x more it probably would have meant a few seconds without gun fire. usually the point is made that having to reload offers an opportunity for force to be brought against the assailant- typically by police- who did not contact the shooter until he was dead…so the whole changing mags things really didn’t matter as we could probably safely assume that the only people who could have confronted him were either children or predominantly women armed with primary school implements.

it just seems that all the policy arguments being made would have zero impact on this particular situation. the reason is obvious as well…the only answer is an australian style gun confiscation program. they will beat around the bush with all these other policies but that is the only possible policy that could have actually made a lick of difference in this case.

edit- i call him a ‘kid’ and that is wrong. and it is wrong for the media to act like he is a kid either…everyone is someone’s son. just because this 20 year old still lived at home doesn’t make him deserving of the insinuation that he is a “child” of some sort

also with the assault weapons ban i find it interesting that so much of it is made of both sides even though for the most part the criteria included in it are nearly all cosmetic attributes that have absolutely nothing to do with the main operation and lethality of the gun. yes a limit on magazine size means you have to reload…but that really doesn’t change how lethal of a weapon it is. flash suppressors, bayonets, collapsible stocks and pistol grips do not make the gun any more or less lethal in its typical operation.

Cuomo mentioned in a news conference about closing NY’s loopholes in our own assault weapons ban. He named the grandfathered pre-94 high capacity mags and special features of those weapons. I’m assuming those “evil” features. Just as I was going to start a pre-ban AR-15 build…