School Shooting in CT

You compared breaking the speed limit to committing mass murder. Think about this one some more.

your argument has nothing to do with my argument. I’m not attempting to prevent a single past crime.

What if you owned this:

---------- Post added at 01:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 PM ----------

Also, gun collecting is about as cool as modding your PC for LAN parties.

Look up the law I mentioned, the 2nd part of my comment wasn’t really directed at you, it was more towards bing.

wrong, I’m comparing the idea that you should have a speed limit while understanding it won’t end speeding to the idea that you don’t enact gun regulation because you believe it will end all gun crime.

:frowning: Oh…

In theory this sounds feasible. Then you consider that there are millions of these evil black rifles privately held in the United States many of which have been privately sold several times with no paper trail even if they were purchased from a store with a background check in the first place. See where i am going with this? The whole thing is futile and will only effect law abiding citizens. I’m obviously never going to get through to people like you and Bing and I will keep clinging to my religion and guns. c’est la vie

they’d have to be registered now and for the next sale. good compliance is very possible here.

also, I’ve never said evil, I’ve never said ban.

your whole argument is built around the false idea that if you can’t fix everything you should do nothing.

You really have me shaking my head over here man…

Ok, my rifle is completely registered with the government. Someone steals my rifle and kills 20 kids. I was in full compliance, everything was legal. I had a 10 round magazine, my stock was pinned, i didn’t have a bayonet lug. How did the law change anything? The only way is to confiscate everything. Go into peoples houses tear up the floors looking for contraband and melt them all down. Imprison anyone who is caught with contraband. Try that and prepare for Civil War II. These ideas look great on paper but the fact is that there is no easy solution here.

My original argument was that we should not blame inanimate pieces of metal and plastic and address mental health issues of the fucked up kids now becoming young adults. These crimes are being committed by quiet nerdy suburban white kids, lets figure out why.

What does this accomplish criminals with guns won’t register them

It’s not like illegal weapons don’t make their way into the US or hell the US government gives guns to Mexican drug cartels lol

People are suddenly so concerned because they want to prevent things like this CT shooting however none of your suggested regulations would do anything.

jt and lz, so are you for or against all guns being registered as your gun is? I can’t tell. yes or no only please.

Hi, I’m a rational person looking at what can be done to prevent this from happening in the future. You’re making this a ‘me’ issue because you don’t have an argument. It wouldn’t be ‘me’ that does anything, it would be the gov’t that outlines the process for buying, registering and storing a gun. There are many governments that restrict these types of purchases as you well now. You ‘who are you’ is a deflection, not an argument.

Again, same thing. The Gov’t sets guidelines for what cars can and cannot do, safety standards, ownership processes etc. BMW could not release the BMW Child ///Massacre edition with unnecessary firearms and a Navigation system that only had elementary schools loaded and a cool blood-letting feature on the LCD display.

Using your same argument, who is anyone to say that I cannot keep dead bodies hanging from the tree in my front yard? I HAVE RIGHTS DAMNIT!!

I haven’t taken a political sciences class but I assume since we can all use the internet that we all know well that the purpose of such policies is to keep the social fabric of our societies intact. Making it a LITTLE bit more inconvenient, expensive and cumbersome to own an AR15 for non-military, civilian purposes in the interest of traceability, safety and security is a pretty reasonable suggestion.

and how about i depart from my casual demeanour throughout this whole dialogue and give some of you guys some life advise.

stop being so childish and insecure getting all butt-hurt when someone suggests a little more gun control. I bet there were lots of idiots with the same perspectives on freeing slaves, letting women vote etc. etc. might as well ban abortion for women who ask to be raped and make sure faggots can never marry either. please remember you live in the 21st century.

That’s not true! It’d make it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns for self defense, meanwhile criminals can still get guns all the same. Sounds like a great solution!

Except that one’s protected by the bill of rights, and the other isn’t…

If we want to look at what could have been done in this exact scenario, we simply need to look at the fact that the weapons WERE NOT LOCKED UP. The mother had to have known that her guns were able to be accessed. She also knew the son was mentally unstable. So you have to ask two questions.

1 - Why would you keep guns in a house with a person who is not mentally stable?

2 - If you are going to keep guns in a house with a mentally unstable person, why the fuck would you not keep them locked?

I’m sure it’s a sort-of cultural thing. Folks that tend to live and grow up with guns don’t think twice about leaving them out in many cases.

Anything else is simply a knee-jerk reaction and emotions.

Here is my argument:

I wasn’t making it about you, i was more or less saying what gives anyone the right to say what a law abiding citizen can own when it is guaranteed by the constitution of the United States. Now to make it about you, I have never met you in person but you come off as a pretentious asshole. Be happy you live in Canada, i hope that makes you sleep better at night knowing you are safe and sound.

I am completely behind locking up firearms this would prevent strangers, children, etc from gaining access in this specific case.

If the guns were locked up what was preventing him from incapacitating his mother and taking her key to a gun safe.

All of my firearms have always been locked in a safe and also have trigger locks etc keys are kept separate and ammo stored and lock separately but thats just me.

[sarcasm]That’s a phenomenal analogy. I can’t count how many car chases have ended because of the fugitives unwillingness to break the speed limit.[/sarcasm]

---------- Post added at 02:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 PM ----------

So the lock up thing:

  1. Yes all guns should be locked up when not in use.
  2. Were the guns used at the school not locked up? Do we have this knowledge?
  3. How in God’s name would you enforce in any effective way a law saying your guns in your home had to be locked up?

Im indifferent. It wont change a damn thing. Waste of time.

Every firearm i have purchased from a retail store has a paper trail. I keep them locked in my safe. I don’t break the law, i have nothing to fear or hide. Where the problem comes in is in knee jerk legislation from a regime pushing its liberal agenda at the expense of murdered children. MY problem comes in with politicians pushing for bans. The whole registration thing is a moot point. It won’t change a damn thing.

I hope that answers your question.


All of this debate is a knee jerk reaction to recent events if you implemented a law today requiring all new weapons to be registered it would do nothing to save any lifes and end up being some huge government cluster fuck like always.

Oh well, on the plus side whatever gun control laws come out of this new push will probably be just as flipping retarded and ineffective as all the current ones. Just like the current ones, they will probably do nothing but mildly inconvenience both good and bad guys while only pacifying the most retarded of the anti-gun group.