School Shooting in CT

I agree that zero guns means zero shootings. To believe that gun control laws will create a zero guns scenario is denial of reality.

We prohibited alcohol and created a huge black market and effectively introduced organized crime to this country.
We prohibit drugs and maintain a huge black market that is run by organized crime and its associated violence.
If we prohibit guns we will…

Right, because making drugs illegal made them disappear.

Edit- ah fuck I didn’t refresh my page. Read fry’s reply

Who proposed banning all guns?

I replied because your argument is basically the same for saying get rid of all speed limits because you’ll never stop speeding. We still need speed limits and we still need gun laws.

It’s 2012 and we still don’t have law that requires all guns to have background checks and a paper trail. We even have the system in place to do this. So yes reform is needed, not to stop the exact scenario of the last case, but to stop the obviously and most likely ones in the future.

Sad this incident is more about future gun control then what actually happened.

wait, what happened? I thought a guy ran into a school and started shooting people?

I shot a bunny with my rifle once and a bird with my shotgun. Actually, two birds.

Yeah, like paper trails are going to work for the bad people out there. Bad people will still find a way to steal, purchase illegaly, or build their own.

Fuck it. I’m sick of talking about this.

Happy holidays everyone.

Do you realize how many firearms are privately held in the United States? The vast majority will NEVER have a paper trail. This is all pissing into the wind.

In other news, purchased my first AK yesterday, now just need an AR15 and an FAL. The irony is that I have never really had an interest in “assault rifles”. I collect WWII and older military rifles. I just want them for the simple fact that society/the administration/the media etc don’t want me to have them. That makes me think that i SHOULD have them. carry on.

I do realistically believe if you have to register all guns and track all sales starting now (keep in mind I didn’t say ban anything), it will be a good thing.

The shooter stole his mothers legally owned and registered guns…

I’m not attempting to say this will fix any scenario, only that it’s common sense to track these thinks like we track cars.

:word: :word: :word:

I know the point you’re trying to make… but its not going to accomplish anything. Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

I don’t even take seriously that you think tracking and registering guns could never help. It would certainly help keep them away from criminals better while making those who would provide them more liable.

would you argue to get rid of all speed limits and car registration since we can’t stop accidents?

The national firearms act of 1934 was the first anti gun legislation. It banned things like the tommy gun as a response to the gang violence of the prohibition era. As we can see it ended violent organized crime in the United States to this very day!!

Also cut down on all those mass school shootings of the post WWI era.

---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------

No one is going to come steal my car to commit a violent crime, no one is going to kill me to take my car and drive through a kindergarten class. Your example makes no sense. Try again.

Why don’t we stop blaming pieces of metal and plastic and examine the MENTAL HEALTH issues of suburban nerdy white kids.

i find almost every counter-point made could be construed as a supporting point for the same arguement… like this one:

what kind of 52 year old single woman needs an AR15? she doesn’t. make it a more arduous process of ownership and stricter rules around storage of the guns and people like this will not have AR15’s that can be stolen for massacres.

the problem here IS that guns are trivially easy to own which is why there are so many which is why it’s easy to take them from your mommy and daddy.

TheBlue, look up the “Firearm Owners Protection Act”(1986?).

It wasn’t as simple as he snatched her gun when she wasn’t looking, he killed her to get to it.

What i want to know is WHO ARE YOU to decide that? Next should we say black people shouldn’t be allowed to have guns because blacks are disproportionally arrested for crimes?

seriously? think about this one some more.

What do you need an M3 to drive on the street?