School Shooting in CT

Free speech is great and all, but there’s something that really bothers me about a Brit mouthpiece like Morgan leading the charge to change a right the founding father’s of this country found important enough to make #2 in the Bill of Rights.

Alex is sometimes a nut job but ya gotta love some of what he says. lol

wow, peirs morgan found someone crazier than himself to invite on his show.

Hey at least he didn’t give Morgan a chance to play his statistic based blame game while completely disregarding Jone’s statistics. It was pretty clear that Morgan had one point to make regardless of what actually matters. Sadly that’s all the people that spew regurgitated mainstream media facts will pick up on.

the game of stating the facts?

Yeah, in the way it’s fun to listen to the nutjob on the corner shouting about the coming apocolypse.

So let me get this straight…we need MORE gun regulations when we don’t even do the right thing with our current regulations? How “specific” does a threat need to be in order to be considered actionable? Come the fuck on here.

---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:42 PM ----------

Tossing out selective, cherry picked facts is an immature way to debate. The Jones guy was too heated to be considered mature as well, it was the battle of dipshits IMO.

I had been thinking about this scenario probably since this thread began. Since I’ve never done it before, perhaps someone can start a “poll” on this. I’m not looking to develop any more debates or an angry rant, but just curious. Here’s the question I want to pose and not even sure how I’d answer myself.

Suppose (hypothetically) the gun control issue goes so far as to require all American citizens to turn in their firearms. I’m not talking just about “assault weapons” (because you can assault anyone with any type of gun) but ALL guns. Rifles, pistols, shotguns, antique’s, etc. Federal law now mandates that all citizens turn in their firearms, let’s assume with no monetary compensation because I don’t think that could even be figured out. Would you turn in your guns? Would you hide them or claim them stolen / lost? Would you barricade yourself in your home and fight to the death when “the man” rolls up in front of your house to take possession?

I assume many would resist.

Not many people know what I own or where I store them. I would leave them right where they are and give the gov’t nothing.

The best thing they could do in this situation is… nothing at all. We have let one lone nutcase rile up the entire country, and any legislation passed as a result of this will just further put his name in the history books. That is NOT a good example to set. Expect copycats once they realize how famous they will become and the effect they will have on the entire population. I guess it’s just wishful thinking though, because between the media and everyone’s political agendas, this thing isn’t going away for a while.

Prohibition -> Black Market -> More Crime -> Cry For Government Protection -> Prohibition -> Black Market -> More Crime -> Cry For Government Protection -> Prohibition -> Black Market -> More Crime -> Cry For Government Protection -> Prohibition -> Black Market -> More Crime -> Cry For Government Protection -> Prohibition -> Black Market -> More Crime -> Cry For Government Protection -> Prohibition -> Black Market -> More Crime -> Cry For Government Protection -> Prohibition -> Black Market -> More Crime -> Cry For Government Protection -> Prohibition -> Black Market -> More Crime -> Cry For Government Protection -> Prohibition -> Black Market -> More Crime -> Cry For Government Protection -> Prohibition -> Black Market -> More Crime -> Cry For Government Protection ->

I really hope someone kills a bunch of people with a _______________. God I hate them can’t they be outlawed yet?

if you make it a game of catching the outliers you probably spend a fortune to cut the 30k gun deaths in the US by basically nothing.

however, if you take some common sense measures like full background checks and registration you gain the data to understand why and how crime is happening and make a real impact.


Because when someone kills a gun owner and uses it for mass murder you will know where the gun came from…

Or when someone who is “normal” and one day snaps and shoots up a movie theater we will know which gun shop sold him the weapon.


Does anyone have a solution to prevent home made flame throwers?

but… but… but…


Why don’t we ban Alcohol?

Should we also limit cars max speed based on the state the car is sold?

Heart health issues kill more people then guns and cars should we ban steak? or impose a two steak limit?

I’m not even talking mass murder, those are the outliers. When somebody gets shot and the police are investigating, I’m saying that a clear picture of how the person got the gun and if they have it legally will help in numerous ways.

Jon Stewart covered the Alcohol argument last night… You’ll never stop people from drinking and driving, but over the last few decades the death rate as a result has plummeted due to smart legislation.