Scientists Find Missing Link in Human Evolution...

What a stupid post… Don’t bother next time.

I fixed the thread title so now there is no more focus on picking on creationists… Are all the sandy vaginas happy now?


Not really, you want to come over and deuch it for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

fucking word.

Look, I don’t really have too much of a problem with people of faith…UNTIL they start in with shit that IS NO FUCKING DIFFERENT THAN SAYING 1 + 1 = 3. Look you’re wrong. Sorry. If the bible told you that when you add one single thing and another single thing you get 3 things would you fucking fight math and science on that too?

Look, the book that you follow was written A LONG FUCKING TIME AGO. There are concepts that are there because people couldn’t find out the truth because it was beyond their technology. Things are different now, accept the facts.

The best part is where people say, “well, you can’t take what the bible says literally…” I bet when the bible was written, they did take everything stated for face value. All of the sudden when science comes along and states the universe is quite a bit older than people think, it’s all the sudden an invalid reference book for such things. Don’t get me wrong, alot of the teachings of Jesus Christ are right on the money but I am referring to Genesis, etc.

If Jesus were alive today, I would think he was a real cool dood and he would also probably be quite a bit pissed off at how his teachings have gotten twisted and skewed to inflict pain and suffering. “WTF you assholes, you got it all wrong!!” I can see him saying that. Shit, I would buy Jesus a beer and we could talk about what it’s like having flocks of hot virgins chasing after you, hanging on your every word. :headbang: to Buddy Christ!!

Like Jesus in pancakes? :jerking:

:word: It’s amazing how people can always find a way to interperet the bible to justify their own desires.

End this thread.



Sensitivity alert, someone close this thread… :ohnoes:

One more thing, before someone gets all up in arms about civil liberties being infringed on, what would you guys say to someone who was a Nazi, or a racist or anyone who was bigoted? Would you slam him/her for their beliefs or would you let them continue?

Because the way gays are treated in Christianity is disturbingly similar…

you cant judge the mainstream thru idots though… I bet you that 99% of this board is christian, do they want to go lynch some homos for it? hell no. So the catholic church doesnt honor a gay wedding… so what, it’s their right if they so choose, doesnt mean they hate them (isnt god supposed to love everyone, even “sinners”?)

there are lots of screwed in the head athiests out there too, doesnt mean you should lump them into all one group though. Not everyone of them has it out for the church and would love to see it burn to the ground.

I dont know… I know there are alot of republican christians, but at the same time… alot of democratic christians too (my grandparents/dads entire side of the family)

Why can people just accept that not everyone has to agree with what YOU think, no matter how retarded you might think it is. Hell, in your mind your better than them anyway, right? so what are you trying to proove? it’s not gonna change anybodys mind… only causing un-needed drama

I dont know… whatever. I give up

EDIT: not intended for you matt, just the whole thread in general… it’s like beating a dead horse

lol and while I’m ranting, I always see, especially athiests saying how they cant stand christians forcing religion down their throats.

9 times out of ten, it’s an athiest shoving their views down christians throats (atleast, thats all I ever see… around here anyway)


First off, I am not an atheist.

Secondly, two wrongs DO make a right Steve, duh!!! :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: just saying is all

can we make fun of jewish beliefs next week? how about them wacky buddists? I’m not one to get in on the drama, but come. on. :roll2:

you will have to push the jew bashing off another week. i will be out of the country next week… and i need to be in on that action.

This is a great thread! Lets just keep bashing one another for what we believe.

Can a mod just lock this shit.