The definitive religion thread

1: To people like me, empirical evidence will always trump faith. Therefore, short of “God” coming down from heaven, and going, “Look at me! Over here! Existing!”, we will never give religion any credit.

2: To people like BoostedITR, faith always trumps empirical evidence. There is no debate.

Therefore, there CAN be no debate with a realistic conclusion. Luckily, most people fall between these two extremes.

well just to clear something up I asked my anthro. prof tonight about carbon dating. he actually does digs and has one right now in greene county. anyway he said carbon dating is only accurate from 50,000 years to 1,600 years ago. so how do you explain these so called humans that are dated in the millions? ohh yeah even in that range you have to give +/- 100 to 200 years because it really isn’t accurate. He admited they really have no good way to tell the age of a carbon based artifact.

I was goin to make a thread for that but you hooked me up.


I’m not getting into this argument again.

See post #1.

shut. the. fuck. up.