Scientists Find Missing Link in Human Evolution...

Here’s an idea, stop posting if you don’t like it. Not that hard to show some restraint.


I’m Catholic

I believe the the universe is billions of years old

I also know the Chruch has done some pretty horrible things:

Also, the writings of the Bible as we have now, are the result of hundreds of years of early fighting over what would go in the Bible, it was all left to the interpretation of man

And you know what, whatever, whatever happens, happens,

ew. please don’t ever make me out to be “the gay victim.” That gets me peeved.


It is only politically correct to make fun of Christians, everyone else is some type of victim.

I wasnt implying that… sorry if ya took it that way. Just pointing out the double standard is all

its because they arent the minority

There is no “double standard”

LOOK! People started to defend JEG right away and derogate the thread. AHA!

:roll: if ya say so

Why don’t you just get some balls and say what your problem with me really is?

lol, man I have no problem with you (other than the occasional locking horns, it’s the internet… get over it if you have some kind of beef).

where the hell did that even come from?

Ohhh my god… I just fell off my chair…

It’s whats for dinner. :tup:

I’m just peeved that this thread was even started. “OMG lets make fun of somebody because they’re Christian and all Christians think ALIKE!” And I read my name in it. There’s zero comparison. Especially when you have an issue in which somebody wears it on their shirt sleeve and somebody that makes it a non-issue. They’re different.

why? bashing someone based on their race/religion/creed/sexual preference is all the same as far as I’m concerned :shrug:

or is it ok for one, and not ok for the other? Thats where the “double standard” came from

THEY ARE COMPLETLY DIFFERENT, believing in god or a religion has NOTHING in common with sexuality

get it?

The situations aren’t entirely equal. If they were, fine. If you want to think of them as equal, fine.

All I’m going to say is if you put your beliefs out on the table for everybody to view then you have to expect that somebody is going to ridicule them. Do I agree with that? No. But your faith has to be stronger than the criticism. :slight_smile:

Yes, religion and sexuality are completely different, I know this… getting BASHED for it isnt

Maybe its just me…But I find it fascinating that the same people who were supporting Muslims in the anti-Muslim thread are in here bashing Christianity. :gotme:. I swear somebody could shoot your parents in the name of Allah and you would just say “hey at least you aren’t a Christian so its ok”. I just want to know what Christians have done that is so horrible…was it feeding and clothing the poor? perhaps its giving children homes instead of letting them die on the street…all are unforgivable offenses I’m sure. Oh…and just an FYI for you who say its because they are against gays…So are 90% of religions out there. But why bring that up…it doesn’t matter…because afterall…its only the Christians who are against anything. Not the Muslims that blow up children and arm them to the teeth because in their eyes a bullet from a 10 year old is just as effective as one from a 25 yr. old. Lets bash the Christians who try to help people for the most part. But what the hell…lets not anybody think for themselves, lets just jump on the Christianity hating bandwagon.

Maybe it was just my perception…but I thought NYspeed was created to end much of this useless prejudice and drama…not escalate it. Especially when it is a moderator, who is entrusted with the responsibility to remove such bs threads, that creates the drama.