Screaming Tunnel Niagara

If you actually skim through it. Read some that are close to you.

Brampton, Caledon, Orangeville, Mississauga, Toronto. I can guarantee those are all bullshit stories. None of them seem that they can be even remotely true.

Notice how the bigger the city is, the more “haunted” places there are? Pathetic attempt at attracting tourists.

Like I said, it’s the illusion. Once you put something into your head. It is 95% going to happen. Especially when you don’t physically really have to do anything. Your mind plays games.

No doubt, no doubt at all. That there are some freaky ass fucked up places out there. But come on now. I get more “scared” in my fuckin grandmothers 200 year old barn at night.

Also, when you go to check out some creepy place…it’s at night! Right? Of course, because you can not SEE as well. Leaving more for your brain to interpret. If your think; “Holy shit man! I just know we’re going to see something fucked up tonight” Well, DUH. Your brain is going to register that thought and turn it into an illusion because you have NO idea what that was that just moved in front of you (branch, leaves, WIND, rain, your own damn body parts, your friends fucking with you, etc etc etc)

Yet again, to each their own.