SeAD Grand Prix Event 1 - 7/9 (Autox)

Who’s going?
Course Map already posted:

Looks like it will be a good time. First time for the civic there, so I will be interested to see how it handles.

If I read that map correctly, I’m figuring on not lifting until the first slalom. That concrete section ought to be a neck-strainer as well. I’m looking forward to it. :slight_smile:

I’ll have to see it in person to get a better perspective on scale, but I think I’ll be going way too fast long before I get to the slalom.

I’ll be there!

You go right ahead and keep trying that all day long. :slight_smile:


If anybody else wants to cruise out from Rochester, a few of us will be meeting up at Dunkin Donuts on East Ave (between culver and winton) around (edit) 6:15 AM – leaving by 6:30.

i’ll be there, but i didn’t pre-register. can i just show up?

my car makes a slight tick tho…

You can just show up. Pre-reg isn’t required.


man that looks like fun heh,

no go for me…need to conserve tires to hopefully have enough rubber for divisionals. Replacing some bushings as well that are worn.

Booo… this event and the next one are practice for Divisionals as far as I’m concerned. If I end up needing new tires for Divs, then I’ll get them. Right now, it doesn’t look like I’ll need them, but we’ll see after next weekend.

im still deciding whether to codrive or autocross mine… my car has a weird tick but it could just be normal.

well I didn’t have a very good day, but it was still fun. The long course is worth the drive out there (from roch at least). Nice to meet you, Jim . . .

Damn damn DAMN!!! The video from my last run didn’t turn out, it cut to just audio partway through the run, it was outside the car and would have given a great view of my huge spin off into the weeds. Instead I have a vid from inside of my fastest (not clean) run. 69.2+1.

I forgot my cam altogether. That’s ok, because no one wanted to see my crappy runs anyway. I am still trying to figure out the new tires, and my steering rack has got to go. 4 turns lock-to-lock?!!! Time for an Si rack.

Marnie - the pleasure was all mine. Find me next week and I’ll take you for a spin (literally) in the beast.

word, maybe next time we won’t be in opposite run groups. :tup:

Man, that was a good time. I love that place. Especially the concrete strip.

Good job Bret.

I sucked pretty good. My first 2 runs were ok, but had cones, my 3rd run I had to slow down to go clean, and my 4th run I got suckered into giving the 300lb food guy a ride… no way that helped :slight_smile: .

I hope my tires aren’t totally past prime, each run was slower then the one before it, but that could also be becuase I was trying to get a clean run in, and then gorilla man :-). DO NOT EVER GIVE THE FOOD GUY AT SEAD A RIDE. He is huge, and even worse, he yells and talks to you while you are driving, and is really freaking distracting.