sean taylor is a pussy

its not like the punter called the fake punt. go hit belicheck if you don’t like it.

i started with twerps when i was in second grade and played through my college years. I would never consider myself on the same level of knowledge as the worst professional football player.

anyway, I think its funny that you think is funny to ask a free safety to let up on a play.

If i rememeber correctly from my playing days 90 percent of my football took place on the practice field which was light contact or THUD. So I played more “let up” football than actual full contact. Its not outrageous to ask someone to take it easy because the game has little or no meaning. Its the same as the pro bowl game. The pro bowl is just like “live” play in practice. You run to the ball, make a tackle but never go full tilt to make a big hit.


^ thank you

ok, well you have your opinion and i have mine. i don’t understand how you can compare a organized game of pros to play each other to practicing…they are competing. very rarely did i ever compete in practice except when we had scrims. i guess that’s me though… when i compete i give it my all and I would never let up on anyone. preseason, season, or pro bowl it’s still an organized game and he played within the rules so you keep complaining about it but he’s not going to get fined for it. i can’t stand how people try to take out my favorite aspect of the the game…in 20 years it’s just going to be flag football.

you’re HILARIOUS…i just thought it was funny that you had the audacity to say i don’t know what i’m talking about.

honestly, taylor tries to take everybodys head off in everygame, thats how he plays, hes a big hitter. i dont think that it made a difference that it was a punter or not. If it was LT right there, he prob would have tried to do the same thing. its how he plays all the time

no, thats funny:bowrofl: :weak:

you think the key to staying a pro is all out ALL the time? if every guy played every practice like that, the average carrer would be a hell of a lot shorter than it is.