Season opening cruise (tentative 4/7)

+rep, thanks for understanding, I’m not being selfish at all.

And I’m DEF up for a drunken night in Ti that night.

yeah that was a blast

I took everyone on a cruise around sacandoga 2 years ago and everyone loved it. We were hammering those twisty roads. Im talking about the road after the bachelerville bridge heading towards the damn, then back into lake george.

yea that’s a good road, it goes past the town of Day where my fiances parents have a camp. sometimes you get some slow people and it can become really annoying. id be down for whatever though

Hey Travis, I’m understanding too.

Nice. I have a camp on the lake to the left of the bachelorville bridge right after you go over it heading towards northville. Great area.

Don’t give the guy shit who’s organizing the run. If you don’t like his route, organize a different one.

after you go over the bridge and up the hill? or a right at the bridge? both will lead to tge dam if u know were your going. and i went ip last night and hammered out the corners there wasnt a soul insight thats why i love the off season

and i understand travis TI is along way to come from just for a cruise

I’d be down for a cruise! Be fun to get the new toy out and about

Yeah, so who has a CB radio for this shit?

JSEnclosures has one in his Tacoma.


why do we need a cb radio?

why not?


We need one because there would be a gap, or silence if you will, in the shit-talking between exits 8 and 26.

dont get it…

Ive got a cb that I can plug into my truck

I am unsure of my schedule that weekend since I will be transitioning into shift work but if I do end up having it free I am down to come and meet most of you guys and cruise. Especially since I haven’t really been on any of the roads out here.