this is ontopic and has been flamed…
we’re good like that sometimes
i def want to try auto x this year thus why i want something to hold me in better.
sorry blue, not all of us duct tape a big black dildo on our seat and sit on it while we drive like you to hold us in
i was going to get some corbeau A4;s reclinable ones because the forenza’s u cant adjust i think n they get anoying for long drives i would sit in them and see how u like em but honestly ive chosen to stay w/ stockseats because those racing seats get uncomfortable after a long drive ! just my 2 cents get what ever makes u happy its your car.,… you might want to look into old civc or escort seats i forget but some look like racing seats… it was a early 90’s car i remember that !
my seats dont have a dildo, must be confusing my car for your neon again.
I bet 10-1 you dont auto x this year
Shit like this really pisses me off.
“Hi Welcome to pittspeed. We are a car enthusiust website UNTIL you don’t conform to the all mighty V8 owners. Don’t bother asking a general question in reguards to information because you will be flamed to death because your not the same as everyone else.”
He asked about a seat and some of you idiots are going way off topic.
racing seats, 5pt harnsess and roll cages do not belong in cars that do not compete in any form of competition.
Again your fucking opinon, and last Time I check you weren’t God or anyone who really mattered.
having those in your car, without competing is rice.
see previous quote dipshit. thats yoru fucking opinion.
I think living with mommy and daddy at your age = you being a looser, but you don;t see me spouting it off in every post.
If you can afford a mustang cobra your stupid ass can afford to move out and live on your own :rolleyes:
PS I guess you missed this post too.
E-Fighting Forum is gone!
I am sick and tired of the pointless BS that goes on in that forum. So as of now, it is gone and not returning. Please refrain from flaming in other forums, comments that are not constructive will most likely be deleted. If you have any individual concerns, address them to me in a PM.
I do, what was that? what was that again… owned
oh so mommy and daddy finally made you grow up, congratulation.
PS Claiming ownage on your own post = gay
haha it dident say owned bere he editid it
whats this mommy and daddy bullshit anyway
my dads been out of my life since i was 2, lol
if youre going to insult me personally, at least know something about me
I’m also stating my opinion.
If you have those parts in your car, and you do not compete, youre a ricer
well then you need to go back to penn state and complete your degree along with a reading class. Shelby asked for opions on WHAT KIND of seats.
Not what your stupid fucking opinion of what rice is.
We all know your anoying stance. If its not a mustange cobra midnight blue in color it sucks.
no, i think ill keep talking thanks
this is in on topic
E-Fighting Forum is gone!
I am sick and tired of the pointless BS that goes on in that forum. So as of now, it is gone and not returning. Please refrain from flaming in other forums, comments that are not constructive will most likely be deleted. If you have any individual concerns, address them to me in a PM.
Still don’t understand jay? Do you need some one to tattoo it to your fucking forehead? Your so fucking big headed to begin with there is plenty of room.