seatbelt and license plate cover ticket cost?

My friend was pulled overed for license plate covers and the police gave her two tickets.
she was under the speed limit too.
1 for the license plate covers and 1 for not wearing the ticket?

Can the license plate cover ticket be written off?
or is it worth to fight any of them, specifically how much do they typically cost?


license plate cover should be a fixit ticket.

if you want to continue fucking her LIVE body, tell her to wear a seatbelt.

You will not win a favorable outcome if you try to fight the “wearing the ticket” ticket. Nor the not wearing a seatbelt ticket.

BTW - there have been MANY advertisements & announcements about cracking down with the “Click-it or Ticket” blitz.




license plate cover should be a fixit ticket.

if you want to continue fucking her LIVE body, tell her to wear a seatbelt.

You will not win a favorable outcome if you try to fight the “wearing the ticket” ticket. Nor the not wearing a seatbelt ticket.

BTW - there have been MANY advertisements & announcements about cracking down with the “Click-it or Ticket” blitz.


Pretty much sums it up. :lol:

license plate cover?? why the hell did she get a ticket for that


license plate cover?? why the hell did she get a ticket for that


cause they are illegal, obstructing the view of your license plate.

Because they are illegal. PERIOD. For all that will argue…yes, you can install one, evern get away with it for years. BUT, it IS illegal. Its under the officers use of judgment. So, yeah if u get a ticket for something lame…its because THAT officer didnt like it.

as a matter of fact, I got a ticket yesterday for no front plate. fors time in 3 years of owning the car. I wil check guilty send in the ticket and not complain cause it is illegal.

i was at court for a seatbelt ticket last night. plead not guilty, came back again and it was reduced to a 100$ parking ticket. not bad considering i was originally pulled over for tint, speeding, illegal exhaust, no front plate, and no i wasnt wearing my seatbelt. i bet you i wear my seatbelt now…def learned my lesson.

Thanks guys,
will get try and see if the license plater cover can be dismissed

as for the seatbelt ticket, no points off right?


as a matter of fact, I got a ticket yesterday for no front plate. fors time in 3 years of owning the car. I wil check guilty send in the ticket and not complain cause it is illegal.


FYI…Did you know that you can go to the DMV and get a lost/stolen plate form to carry with you,my husband did that and every time he got pulled over they let him go,I believe all you have to do is when it comes time to renew your registration you have to get new plates.


FYI…Did you know that you can go to the DMV and get a lost/stolen plate form to carry with you,my husband did that and every time he got pulled over they let him go,I believe all you have to do is when it comes time to renew your registration you have to get new plates.


yes yes having this paper got me out of a lot of tickets … it takes like 2 min just walk in the police station and say you lost you plate they put the info on a paper and you get a lil slip and on your way

no kidding?! I will have to do that!!!

all of NYspeed runs to the police station to get that paper


yes yes having this paper got me out of a lot of tickets … it takes like 2 min just walk in the police station and say you lost you plate they put the info on a paper and you get a lil slip and on your way


lol. “I’d like to report 3 stolen front plates, sir”


lol. “I’d like to report 3 stolen front plates, sir”
