Section 518 Fourth of July Ride!!!!!!

hope its not a repost.

so whos gunna make it out, have been wanting to go for a couple years…

im defintely gunna try to make it out this year, anyone not have plans with family and freinds and wanna do this up…its crazy the amount of bikes that go…

seeing as i don’t have a bike i wont go on the ride but ill stop by latham circle and look at the bikes.

Fuck I went to this last year in my Supra, holy shit. Me and 2 other cars and like 300 bikes. Was absolute MADNESS. I think we blew every light in Albany. :rofl

aww it’s for bikes? when are we gettin a car cruise together?

yeah dude this ride is insane i love it.

Best ride of the year, besides the halloween ride,

yeah i dont have a bike either but if a car cruise gets put together im down for that.

so anyone in?

im pretty sure i got nothin goin on so count me in.

so want to be the oddballs in cars again this year?


Imagine a sea of bikes and you in the center. You really need to be a good driver with that many bikes around. All I smelled was gas and tire for a week.


Im 99% sure I’m down!

Im in, talked to Wade about this ride at americade.

I’ll be drinking beer, sorry.

I talked to wade tonight actualy

ill be there…

ill take the 125 out :lol

are cars aloud on the cruise?