See your Car in a Crash Test

I noticed on a lot of cars the dummies hit the B pillar or roof rail, but not on the taurus :tup:

the edge and fusion did not do so well :frowning: the 500 did very well though


the 3 series vert…

are those things that pop out of the top of the back seat for rollover protection?

You can see them when the do the slow motion of the rear side impact passenger.


A4 Cabriolet as well


yes, MB and BMW verts all have them


that’s awesome.

my car isn’t listed :frowning:

no VW golfs? wtf man


well, looks like i’m screwed. they didn’t have a sunfire coupe, but the cavalier sedan sucked. the dummies head twisted to the side and hit the door fairly hard. ouch.