Self lowering megan coils

Anyone have any good methods of stopping coils from lowering/raising on there own. I used to have lots of pre-load and that kept the height stable but it was too harsh for my likings. I got a CM drop on my passenger/front over the past 2 months.

PS: i always give the collars a good tap to make sure they are locked in real snug

Use a hammer and something with an edge and hammer those collars so its TIGHT.

I’ve used this method and don’t even use the spanners and my car has never lowered on it’s own.

Give it a try.

I put red loctite on them and hammered them down to where i needed them, they don’t move no more. If your not dead set on your height use blue loctite or just use a mallet or hammer.

i hammer them together with a flathead as well. no change in height for sure.

if you’re really paranoid about how much it’s moving, mark a vertical line between the locking collars and track how much they’re spreading apart on a day to day or week by week basis.

What’s that going to do besides confirm your paranoia?

buy lock tight put the car to the level you want apply the glue let it sit for 48 hours and your problem is fixed

it’ll tell you that you pussied out on the first lock attempt. i guess i worded it poorly. i meant by marking the line you can confirm if you torqued them hard enough or not…if you’re that paranoid about it.