Seller's Remorse - Who's had it?

well, i’d love a Toyota Crown, actually

I want an Acura TL and Nissan S15 right now. Unfortunately I do not have the money or place to have said cars.

only cars i regret selling are my 92 talon tsi and 98 jetta vr6… thats it… young and stupid

i miss my white 87 4kq maybe one of the best cars i have ever owned

Wait, you’ve got a truck, quad AND Mustang payment?!!?!1

I miss my STi. I wish I kept it stock and just drove it. It would have been paid off for like 2 years now. :frowning:

i miss my 92 lx 5.0! it was my first car and had lots of potetial but i sold it to get my first integra

Yeah, and your point is?

Buy mine and relive those days when you had one. Mine’s also a '92 LX 5.0.

I just don’t see how you could justify having a payment on everything that you ‘own’. I justified decisions like that in my early 20’s and thankfully smartened up.

Gotta pay to play I suppose.

Sure I could drive a POS beater but Im beyond wanting to do that. I did it for a while but now I want a nice vehicle to drive everyday.

Dosen’t the idea of actually owning something sound nice, though? I own my Corolla obviously and have my Corvette down to a very reasonable payment, and have intentions of making double payments until it’s paid off.

I plan on keeping my truck after its paid for. 5 more years to go.

Ive owned several of my cars and trucks before. Ive actually paid cash for a few of them.

I have owned every car I have had. Now granted the newest car I ever had was a '98 and one Civic I got for $25… :lol

too steep for me and id want something i can start from scratch. but i cant even buy one til i have my z thats what the next toy is gonna be.

Im sure il take some shit for this… but I miss the thunderbird. I liked the cockpit feeling when driving. The seats in it are still the most comfortable seats I have ever sat in. Of course the car has a lot of sentimental value as well.

I miss my 98 camaro ss,def miss my 07 silverado(but i am glad it is someone elses headache).