Seneca's at it again.....

Anyone see the movie cars? Tell them “fine, block it off, and we’ll go around it” . Threaten them. That’ll put them in their place. I’m not from around there, but any major roadway going through a city/town can only provide an economic benefit to them.


i think we should give them everything they want.
they don’t like our utilities “trespassing” through their land? Fine, remove them and let them find their own electric,gas,sewage,and water
they want grand island back? fine, relocate everyone off it and turn it back to them but remove all existing features, including bridges
they want to start charging to use the section of thruway that cuts through their land? fine, we’ll put up toll booths for roads entering into U.S. ground from reservation lands


freaking dawt. those are and always have been my thoughts on the matter. let them go back to thatched huts and skinning deer for clothing.


i think we should give them everything they want.
they don’t like our utilities “trespassing” through their land? Fine, remove them and let them find their own electric,gas,sewage,and water
they want grand island back? fine, relocate everyone off it and turn it back to them but remove all existing features, including bridges
they want to start charging to use the section of thruway that cuts through their land? fine, we’ll put up toll booths for roads entering into U.S. ground from reservation lands



While good in theory that is about the worst friggin idea I have heard in a while minus the toll booths.

Do you have any idea the cost of demolishing all of those utilities and bridges and then building new ones around the outside of their land.

The sheer logistics of what you are proposing are impossible…

Not to mention I am cool with losing tax dollars on their gas and smokes…I dont support them…never have never will but I would much rather lose out on their tax dollars thend spend the billions of dollars in tax dollars your proposal includes.

But as for my take on the thing. The lose this argument before…it sets a precedent…no new information is out there to overturn the ruling. So they are idle threats as far as I am concerned.

They must forget that we are thinking about giving them land for a new casino in the city of Buffalo where they will profit millions and millions of dollars. Say good bye to that jerkoffs.


They must forget that we are thinking about giving them land for a new casino in the city of Buffalo where they will profit millions and millions of dollars. Say good bye to that jerkoffs.


Doubtful. That’s the #2 savior of Buffalo, right behind a little fishing store. But I think that’s been discussed on here before…


Doubtful. That’s the #2 savior of Buffalo, right behind a little fishing store. But I think that’s been discussed on here before…


Savior as in more added chaos and problems and money lost we wont be able to recoop in the future :stuck_out_tongue:


Hopefully we’ll see the national guard get involved and put them in their place.


lol that will never happen.

Didn’t i inform everyone this was going to happen a few weeks ago in another thread?? I think sooooo

this is by far the most ignorant topic and posts i have ever read. For everyone that says “fuckem and their land” read a book and what treaties are. You will be the same people that bitch when the government starts to break YOUR rights. If we signed a treaty it has to be followed. You can not break a treaty just because you are tired of it. As far as taxing the people that come to their reservations that are non native american, you cant. What they are doing on their land is their business. If we dont want it like that, then we should have not signed the treaty. I am not native american but for the love of God read a history book before you make a ignorant post.

Native Americans are the only minority in America I feel bad for. As far as blacks they should not be mad at “whites”. They should be mad at their own people that sold them to English ships on their docks in Africa. Thats right. Africian slaves were traded to the English for goods, and the slaves that were traded were P.O.W.'s of civil wars in Africa. English settlers were scared shitless to go into Africian land. We didnt go over there with ropes and nets and grabbed blacks. I could go on forever.

Oh and about the “We are against racisim”, how long do you think a post would have lasted if someone made a post named “Blacks at it again”? just some food for thought. :bloated:


Oh and about the “We are against racisim”, how long do you think a post would have lasted if someone made a post named “Blacks at it again”? just some food for thought. :bloated:


This is hardly racist. Should we say “The people who live on the reservation are at it again”?

And I agree with everyone else here. If they want to abide by the treaty, then fine. Cut off electricity, water, sewage, and all roads. Let them have their own territory, and they can do whatever the hell they want on the rez.

They have a casino that generates massive revenues. They pay a tiny portion of that to the state, and keep the rest. Where does this money go? I am not 100% familiar with how the reservation is operated, but there seems to he this huge disparity between those who are in control, and the average joe. Since the treaty was signed, the world has changed. I believe they need to pay taxes, just like the rest of us.

BTW, the rez is the ungodliest piece of shit I have ever seen. Its really like someone took a dump on a map. Thats the rez.


This is hardly racist. Should we say “The people who live on the reservation are at it again”?

And I agree with everyone else here. If they want to abide by the treaty, then fine. Cut off electricity, water, sewage, and all roads. Let them have their own territory, and they can do whatever the hell they want on the rez.

They have a casino that generates massive revenues. They pay a tiny portion of that to the state, and keep the rest. Where does this money go? I am not 100% familiar with how the reservation is operated, but there seems to he this huge disparity between those who are in control, and the average joe. Since the treaty was signed, the world has changed. I believe they need to pay taxes, just like the rest of us.

BTW, the rez is the ungodliest piece of shit I have ever seen. Its really like someone took a dump on a map. Thats the rez.


i agree with you that if they do have thier own property then they should have their own ways of electricty, gas, water etc, but you cant just take and kick them off their own lands, it would be the Trail of Tears 2.


i agree with you that if they do have thier own property then they should have their own ways of electricty, gas, water etc, but you cant just take and kick them off their own lands, it would be the Trail of Tears 2.


Nobody is suggesting that we kick them off their lands. What is at dispute is their claim that we stole their land to put the thruway in.

But they are only bringing this up to be vindictive. NYS wants there to be sales tax on the rez, and, obviously, the native americans dont want that, as its their only source of revenue. Minus that giant thing right in the middle of Niagara Falls that brings in $45,000,000 a month.

What it boils down to, in my eyes, is the Native Americans on the reservations want to carry on a way of life that has no place in our world. You cant have an economy based on Gas and Cigarettes. People on the rez need to to a better job of getting off the rez, getting educated, and getting real jobs.

edit: Im farily uneducated when it comes to this situation. Im only going on personal observations…


this is by far the most ignorant topic and posts i have ever read. For everyone that says “fuckem and their land” read a book and what treaties are. You will be the same people that bitch when the government starts to break YOUR rights. If we signed a treaty it has to be followed. You can not break a treaty just because you are tired of it. As far as taxing the people that come to their reservations that are non native american, you cant. What they are doing on their land is their business. If we dont want it like that, then we should have not signed the treaty. I am not native american but for the love of God read a history book before you make a ignorant post.

Native Americans are the only minority in America I feel bad for. As far as blacks they should not be mad at “whites”. They should be mad at their own people that sold them to English ships on their docks in Africa. Thats right. Africian slaves were traded to the English for goods, and the slaves that were traded were P.O.W.'s of civil wars in Africa. English settlers were scared shitless to go into Africian land. We didnt go over there with ropes and nets and grabbed blacks. I could go on forever.


funny thing ypou should read a book yourself sine after a while the dutch east india trading company began taking blacks with out the help of a civil war but hey whose counting right just read a book before you shit talk like you have higher morals than the rest of us

So ah, who’s breaking the treaty?


funny thing ypou should read a book yourself sine after a while the dutch east india trading company began taking blacks with out the help of a civil war but hey whose counting right just read a book before you shit talk like you have higher morals than the rest of us


:word: England was huuuuuuuuuge in the slave trade.


Oh and about the “We are against racisim”, how long do you think a post would have lasted if someone made a post named “Blacks at it again”? just some food for thought. :bloated:


How is refering to the name of their tribe racist?


funny thing ypou should read a book yourself sine after a while the dutch east india trading company began taking blacks with out the help of a civil war but hey whose counting right just read a book before you shit talk like you have higher morals than the rest of us


Who do you think introduced them to black slavery? Who do you think showed them the profit of having slaves do their work? How do you think showed them the profitablity of having slaves do their work with out having to pay the expense of labor? The east india trading company began after the English colonists began to look outward into the world and the resources it had to offer. Read some history.


BTW, the rez is the ungodliest piece of shit I have ever seen. Its really like someone took a dump on a map. Thats the rez.


LOL. I think they have laws on the res that every residence must have at least 2 junk cars sinking into their yards at all times. If you drive the road that goes from Gowanda to rt. 20, you will see about 1,496 of them. Maybe they plan on blocking the thruway with them sometime in the future. :snky:They’re sitting on a scrap metal goldmine!


Who do you think introduced them to black slavery? Who do you think showed them the profit of having slaves do their work? How do you think showed them the profitablity of having slaves do their work with out having to pay the expense of labor? The east india trading company began after the English colonists began to look outward into the world and the resources it had to offer. Read some history.


Yea cuz slavery has only been around for like 300 years.:roll2:

As I’ve said all along, I have no problem with allowing them to live tax free. I don’t even have a problem with the state and federal aid they get, or the tax free land we gave them for the casinos because that’s a mutually beneficial relationship.

However, unless the residents of the Seneca Nation are purchasing and consuming 350 million dollars in gas and cigarettes, it’s quite obvious their tax free sales are not staying on the reservation. Any sales to non-natives who live off the reservation are subject to NYS and federal taxes. That’s not breaking a treaty, that’s simply enforcing the law.

As for quickly dismissing the idea what the National Guard would be brought in to re-open the 90 if it’s closed down, don’t be so quick to jump to that conclusion. The world, and more importantly this state, has changed a great deal since we first allowed them to get away with that. Now disrupting a major trade route like the 90 could easily be considered an act of domestic terrorism, and we all know how much patience the government has with that. If they think living in a trailer on the rez sucks, wait till they check out a cell in a terrorist internment camp.