Seneca's at it again.....




we [whities] came to this country with nothing really. Do you really think native americans would still be living in TeePee’s and have no form of our current ‘luxuries’?

i have a feeling their culture would have evovled as well. My honest opinion, I think the native americans have a right to be tax free if they live on reservations.

It’s a native americans choice to live on the reservation (they are free to move where ever they wish)…they just give up the RIGHT to be tax free by doing so.

^ But do you believe they have the right to have a $350 million dollar a year tax free enterprise, selling almost entirely to non-natives who don’t live on the reservation?

EDIT: WHOA… was I off in that number I’ve been quoting

It’s not 350 million a year in sales… it’s 350 million a year in lost tax revenue. So we’re talking about billions of dollars in sales.

what i’ve never understood is that they make billions of $ every year but most of them live in dirty little shack, drive beat up POS’s, etc. Are only the top of the totem pole guys making the big bucks or do they all have million dollar bank accounts but dont live like they do?


^ But do you believe they have the right to have a $350 million dollar a year tax free enterprise, selling almost entirely to non-natives who don’t live on the reservation?


yes, i like the idea of the state government not being able to collect taxes on any sales. Its the only break we [whitties] get from state sales tax that would otherwise find its way down into NYC, not WNY.

I just wish a native american would open up a car dealership.


what i’ve never understood is that they make billions of $ every year but most of them live in dirty little shack, drive beat up POS’s, etc. Are only the top of the totem pole guys making the big bucks or do they all have million dollar bank accounts but dont live like they do?


As someone who worked at a native owned smoke shop/gas station for a few years I can explain that one.

The few people that own the gas stations are rich. The vast majority of the tribe gets nothing. In the case of the owner of the one I worked for, Eli Tarbell, he had a mansion, more cars than his family could ever drive, boats, sleds, a hovercraft… you name it.


As someone who worked at a native owned smoke shop/gas station for a few years I can explain that one.

The few people that own the gas stations are rich. The vast majority of the tribe gets nothing. In the case of the owner of the one I worked for, Eli Tarbell, he had a mansion, more cars than his family could ever drive, boats, sleds, a hovercraft… you name it.


ah i see, well then they should fix their own internal corruption before bitching about lost revenue from roadways/utilities cutting through their land. How come they dont burn tires on his front lawn?


Nobody is suggesting that we kick them off their lands. What is at dispute is their claim that we stole their land to put the thruway in.

But they are only bringing this up to be vindictive. NYS wants there to be sales tax on the rez, and, obviously, the native americans dont want that, as its their only source of revenue. Minus that giant thing right in the middle of Niagara Falls that brings in $45,000,000 a month.

What it boils down to, in my eyes, is the Native Americans on the reservations want to carry on a way of life that has no place in our world. You cant have an economy based on Gas and Cigarettes. People on the rez need to to a better job of getting off the rez, getting educated, and getting real jobs.

edit: Im farily uneducated when it comes to this situation. Im only going on personal observations…


The problem is, is that now that they see the money that could be made on the land they cant just break a treaty and move them. That is what the Trail of tears is. They realized the amount of money that could be made in florida off of cotton so they forced the Native Americans to move out of Florida and be relocated to less profitable land. Many Native Americans died because of it.

Think about it like this. Say the government found out how profitable your house or land was and took it from you. How would you feel?


Think about it like this. Say the government found out how profitable your house or land was and took it from you. How would you feel?


it’d be shitty but they are allowed to do it.

eminent domain
: the right of the government to take property from a private owner for public use by virtue of the superior dominion of its sovereignty over all lands within its jurisdiction


I’m German and my ancestors at one point were being picked on by Jews… I’m not asking for reperations either.


Take a look at polands history, if anyone should get reperations…




The problem is, is that now that they see the money that could be made on the land they cant just break a treaty and move them. That is what the Trail of tears is. They realized the amount of money that could be made in florida off of cotton so they forced the Native Americans to move out of Florida and be relocated to less profitable land. Many Native Americans died because of it.

Think about it like this. Say the government found out how profitable your house or land was and took it from you. How would you feel?


Who’s asking them to move? :gotme:


ah i see, well then they should fix their own internal corruption before bitching about lost revenue from roadways/utilities cutting through their land. How come they dont burn tires on his front lawn?


Woah, I assumed eveyone already understood this

How is that internal corruption, just because one native sought out an entrepreneurial endeavour, taking his own risk, (not to mention capitalizing on a system that does weigh in thier advantage) to make a profit, dosent mean he should share it with the rest of the res.

It would be a nice jesture if some of the gas, tobacco and gambling revenue did get kicked back to thier own people but by no means should it have to be.

Thats like saying Tiger Woods should shar al his riches with the rest of the negrasians