Sensative son of a bitches


When ignornant members of a race, like Sharpton, or rappers, or AFrank act ridiculous over a stupid radio comment, most people see it for what it is; ignorant people who love the sound of their own voice. When a broad cross section of a race act ridiculous over a stupid comment made by an insignifigant man then it makes the whole race look bad.


O yes im ignorant and love the sound of my own voice you have clearly got me fingered here. Have i said i want imus’s head on a platter no i actually defended the man i used an anology to describe why what he said was not part of free speech so i guess that makes me ignorant. Im acting ridiculous???You wanna know what hurts race relations people like you who seem to think that you have all the race issuses figured out and then you tell your friends who tell their friends etc. I say this becuase from reading your posts you seem to have an idea of politics and the way the world turns, so take this in perspective I personally would agree with you on most of your comments, but you are wrong in the regards that if it was your mother or your sister and any man black white or mexican called her a slut or a ho or any derogatory word you would be offended, so playing this off as a minor incident is ignorant on your part. Most people who have followed this story know this isnt about race, this is about an ignorant old man who made a dumb joke that was more sexist than racist, but because a few prominent black people make comments then it is the blacks who are mad…Do your homework he was fired because they lost a ton of sponsorships, that is why he was suspended at first they just wanted to let the water settle but CBS caught a ton of heat from sponsers to pull him. It funny you call me ignorant but you say nothing of the fuck this guy or i hate them blacks or the other blatant racism instead you attack me because you dont agree with my position on things.