lol I know… nade the same mistake last year… Still haven’t put my winter on as yet.
wowo ryan your gf has a spec too>>> sweet so between me and you are in the same position(both our gf’s have specs, sweet)
anywho i got my car in june i think and im all ready for the winter.
i bought some big splash guards to protect the body and i got the winter rims/tires, and im going to wash and wax the car today for the winter.
im not putting on the winters and splash guards till i get some snow on the ground.
This ain’t no Ferrari, I drive it through all the seasons.
IT ISNT"!!! wtf damnit…
heheh no just kidding its true, its not to pretty to keep in the garage all winter
you can update mine now!!!
LOL at “Magen” on the list. Can’t even spell your own girlfriends name huh? :E
Is this open to other front wheel drives? or do I have to have my own corner…
u get ur own corner
bc if i read properly its for spec v’s not altimas
but i just put a spec v badge on my car :finga:
LOL x1000
still old and rusted out beater, unlike the spec v
Just checking in, indeed as specified in the list. 8)
I’d take a “rusted out beater” over a car that kills itself any day…
HAHA you must be a new SPEC V owner…Most give up the attitude once they get there ass handed to them a few times.
Odd how not many Spec V owners do this…
Again, shall I point to how my car with half the horsepower and stock tires kept up to more highly modified cars at the first NECC track event? It’s not a straight-ahead speed machine, and unless seriously turboed won’t really be as such, but that’s OK. Not every car can be as l33t as a 240. :roll:
Sorry dude, but compared stock to stock the 240 loses every time, unless you’re drifting. And not only that, if you compare a mildly turbo spec v to a mildly turbo 240, the 240 again begins to lose in non-drift races as well. There are plenty of vids on the net to back this statement up.
Maybe I’m growing up, but I guess I’m getting sick of “this car is better than that car” bullshit. They aren’t built for the same market or purpose…so why the hate?
He called someones car a rusted out pile of shit… They dont even know each other. I made that statement because of the thread that is posted elsewhere. Maybe you should read it instead of condoning an unprovoked attack by a non member against a official member.
But thanks for coming out anyways Kris.
He called someones car a rusted out pile of shit… They dont even know each other. I made that statement because of the thread that is posted elsewhere. Maybe you should read it instead of condoning an unprovoked attack by a non member against a official member.
But thanks for coming out anyways Kris.[/quote]
Heh… I’ll just saty out of this, should change the FWD section to Spec V section anyway…
No way, thats why we have or the Flame board (I mean VBoard :lol: )
I like to read about other cars too, thats what nice about this forum, all nissan but we get trucks, fwd, rwd, old, new, etc.
I think there may even be one or two 240 owners on this site as well
You’ll change your tune once you get some real seat time in that Skyline of yours. :yawinkle:
Grown up??? You left us Kris… Left US!!! SOLD OUT… The Spec wasn’t good enough for you :cry WHYYYYYY!!!
J/k P.s. My car is better than yours :finga:
How will he change his tune? They are completely different cars. One is RWD and Made for Speed. The other is a FWD 4dr with a truck engine shoved in it.