SEO and general website tips...

I’m wondering if anyone can help educate me on some current SEO strategies. I am making a 2.0 push on TradersBase | Trade with success! since I have a new … motivated partner. My last partner was just WAYYY too good at making money from the markets to bother with the site or helping others trade/invest. Therefore I was carrying the load of the site up till my elbow surgery where I couldn’t keep things moving. 8/

The goal here is to have my partner build his track record while I build a following and traffic. I fully expect the service will be good/profitable enough in time to sell as a monthly subscription. I’ve been in the markets 5 years and my partner posts the most through analysis I’ve seen. Trading always requires losing trades but he keeps the losses small and the profit targets much higher. :slight_smile:

Now I’m more a IT/hardware guy and SEO is a bit overwhelming to me. I’m reading about onlywire as a mass blasting service for one option. Any feedback there and/or on my sites layout etc…?

Any tips are very much appreciated and if someone helps me out bigtime I’ll be happy to give free lifetime subscription once the site get’s on it’s own 2. :slight_smile:

I’m posting this here because the new ownership has been overly impressive to me. You guys are really building an empire I’m envious of…in a good way (no hater). I’m on a shoestring budget as a startup and therefore need to tackle this on my own…hopefully learning as I go.


Onlywire looks cool, but I would consider getting FB and Twitter up to speed, get those to drive traffic then worry about the smaller social media outlets. Make a FB fan page rather than a friend page, you get insights into how people are engaging with your content.

I can’t tell if your running any web analytics, consider installing Google Analytics on your site, it’s free and contains a wealth of information. Getting people to your site is one thing, getting them to use it and come back is another. If you need help interpreting the data I can help.

All good info here. If you are a business without facbeook and twitter, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. This is regardless if you are a social media person or not. The more places your site is the better chance it has of getting seen. Google Analytics is also a great idea. has great tutorials and if you can take some time to watch them, you’ll benefit. linktypeid%3A2 q%3ASEO page%3A1 s%3Arelevance sa%3Atrue producttypeid%3A2

I have every blog post dump to twitter. Is there a way to push your twitter upon others? Legally of course. :wink: LOL.
I’ve been meaning to make a fan page on FB. I’ll get on that tonight or early this week for sure.

Google banned the adsense account due to some retard clicking like mad. I assume it was a competitor though I have no way of knowing. They denied our appeal as well so that supplemental income is a dead end it seems.

Just setup the analytics portion. Going to get that on the blog and go from there.

Thanks for the suggestions. :slight_smile:

Thanks prog. I’ll check that out. I have twitter and FB but the FB isn’t a fan page. I’ll set that up properly shortly.

It’s a blog? Wordpress actually does a nice job with SEO. There are also some add ons that handle some of it.

I use networked blogs on facebook to automatically post my blog posts to facebook and twitter. Including the fan page. I also use the StatCounter Stats on Wordpress to see what my site activity looks like.

Wordpress front end and /forum is vbulletin (outdated but functional).

Stat counter…gonna add that now. Nice.

I downloaded the all in one SEO plugin but have to read up on setting it up properly. That has a ton of fields I don’t understand much. 8/

Tags are the biggest asset I think. I usually just think of terms I would search for. Just phrasing is differently. I’d update the vBulletin as well…probably some security and functionality fixes.

The forum I’m not as concerned with and the support contract is well outdated. I’m hesitant to update because I’ll want to do full CMS and that’s out of my league. I’d have to hire someone to merge DB and all that crap.
The blog is what I’m really focusing on at this stage. I do miss some plugin options on vbull…like I’d love to have an amazon store etc… Baby steps I guess.

Thanks again for the helping hand.

That’s frustrating, have you seen This could be a good solution for high CTR premium ads.

Right now we’re using adbrite which sucks. Not very relevant content and pays like garbage.
I’ll check those guys out. I have an Amazon associate account and think between book recommendations and eventually charging for a chart analysis service/subscription the click ads would be small time anyhow. At least I’m telling myself that. :wink:

My side company does SEO and have local businesses that have had success with us. It is an ongoing process and more than just making sure your page is coded right. If you would like to talk, let me know.

Yeah it’s really a science and a routine to get your site SEO to the fullest extent.

Thanks boxxa. I’ll let you know.
I’m looking to learn and gain insight over just paying someone because like Prog said and as I know…it’s not one time magic. I realize it’s a way of building ongoing content and something that must be kept up on.
I’m kind of looking for a mentor scenario. If anyone knows SEO and has interest in the stock market…that’s the best trade offer I have at this point. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the replies guys.

I have some interest in the stock market, but I don’t think I’d be the best to guide you through SEO. I’ve picked up some stuff from doing sites (mainly as a hobby) and some stuff from friends who do web design for a living. Most people just think loading the meta tags with repeating keywords automatically gets you to number 1 on google. It goes as far as naming pictures, links, writing the content…everything. Do you have a robots.txt on your site to allow the spiders to crawl it?

Look into the webmaster tools with google and they pretty much guide you through some stuff to make your site more popular. If you use the customized iGoogle page you can even add tabs to it, to show you how you are doing.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /forum/vbgooglemapme.php
Disallow: /forum/ajax.php
Disallow: /forum/attachment.php
Disallow: /forum/calendar.php
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Disallow: /forum/poll.php
Disallow: /forum/postings.php
Disallow: /forum/printthread.php
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Disallow: /forum/register.php
Disallow: /forum/report.php
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Disallow: /forum/search.php
Disallow: /forum/sendmessage.php
Disallow: /forum/showgroups.php
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Disallow: /forum/images/
Disallow: /forum/modcp/




I do have a robots.txt file from way back. I believe this is still proper and the suggested format to keep robots from tracking junk?

I will say ALOT can be learned from my forum and blog (blog ongoing and historical content on forum)…just by being a frequent viewer. I have done some tutoring/mentoring for a few clients in the past and have offered personal instruction and guidance but it didn’t come cheap…just like good SEO doesn’t. :slight_smile:

I’d be happy to give you info on any questions you have cause you’re giving me good guidance here. :slight_smile:

I should add that as a mentor/coach I would be providing knowledge and insight as to the traders psychology one needs. I can’t guarantee profitability because that’s impossible…people need to work through their fear/greed issues and the psych is more less a personal journey. Let me know if you have any questions though. :slight_smile:

Looks like everything that is disallowed, is mostly back end stuff that wouldn’t hold any worthwhile content anyway. You’re sitemap is up-to-date as well? XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress 3.2.4 automatically rebuilds the sitemap for you. Any additional changes, new pages, blog posts, etc. are then reflected in the sitemap. It takes a little bit to setup but is worth it. I can screenshot or compare my wordpress if you’d like. It’s more of a personal blog but I do pretty decent IMO with web traffic.

Biggest thing with twitter and facebook is that you want to make yourself visible as an organization. Regular, relevant updates. Dialogue and conversations with users. You want to give users a reason to keep coming back to your feed (and your website).

If you’re down for sending a screenshot I’d like to take a peek at my settings and compare. I do have it set up and up to date, as well as set to update on it’s own.
Do you run the “all in one seo” plugin? I set that up and think it is good to go. LOL

---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 AM ----------

Twitter at this point I have no real followers. I’m a TWIT when it comes to twitter I guess. 8/
Twitter get’s every new blog post pushed. The blog is updated on an almost daily basis. It’s not very interactive being a wordpress blog. Most comments are closed ended.

The content is dynamic because the stock market is so fluid and changes rapidly. That’s a plus going for me.
I added the “economic events” piece on the blog because that should drive at least weekly traffic so people can see what’s coming up that week that may move the markets.

Appreciate all the input guys.

Click for full size

You should follow other people so that they will follow you back, and sort of grow your web that was on twitter. You’ve got to push your way into people’s feeds or else they won’t follow. Once you get a decent amount of people to follow you back, then you will get other people hopping on board.

Same with Facebook page.