Serbia - Kosovo -> Defcon 3

This situation is fucked.

“The whole nation is angry,” said Sinisa Tasic, one of the organizers. “We are furious with the Americans. Wherever they go they create problems.”

I have been reading a little of this, and yes, it is getting pretty nasty

sigh if it isnt one thing it’s another… and ofcourse it’s always our fault some how… though i digress on that comment because 80% of the time it is in some manner or we just poured more fuel on a fire somewhere.

I’m not quite sure what the stakes are in this but it does sound natural for them to split off if the minority was attempting to control the majority.

i say we stay out for awhile and let them blame us, why attack our embassy if some country wanted to leave there nation?
they keep it up though, knock the shit out of the serbs with a few fighters

This is something I have been following now for about 8 years and something I know ALOT about.

I dont even know where to start. There is soo much history.

I guess what I can say is this. WWI started here and this could quite possibly be a powder keg for WWIII.

This region has been soo passionate for centuries and it stirs nationalism in people there and abroad.

The Ethnic Albanian Kosovars deserve peace and tranquility, I am afraid of the area becoming a drug mafia state as is a large part of europe.

I am not sure where putins successor stands on this subject but I am worried it will be an even more hardline stance. Which might arise tensions. Especially with relations already tense.

That section of the world has been sliced and diced soo much over the last few hundred years that it is hard to claim borders IMO. People live where they live. I think the serbs lost Kosovo in 1998 when they started to massacre the innocent civilians. Women and daughters raped, pregnant women sliced open and their fetous used for target practice. You think I’m kidding. I’m not. I have “family” that are all ethnic albanian that we helped get here to the US when this was going on and the horror stories are something short of Nazi death camps. Hell when the serbs attacked bosnia in 1991 the srebenicia massacre and mass graves was the largest act of genocide in europe since hitler.

It’s a sad state of affairs over there.

God Bless.

When the serbs attacked the ethnic albanian civilian population they displaced 850,000 people and brutally murdered about 30,000 there were no estimates on how many people were raped and tortured by paramilitaries and shitty soldiers who have no honor.

Mass exodus.

The Serbs goals were complete eradication and removal of the albanian people by any means necessary. Bludgining, tortures, burning alive, whatever…

an excerpt from the “gendercide report” on Kosovo during the conflict.

The genocidal assault launched against Kosovo’s civilian population in 1998-99 bore many of the hallmarks of the earlier Serb campaigns in Bosnia. From a gender perspective, a strong trend was evident in the expulsion of women, children, and the elderly, the sexual assault of younger Kosovar women, and the systematic targeting of the [“battle-age](javascript:Remote2())” male population for mass execution, detention, and torture

Here is a brief video about it.

Its pretty disheartening when you realize you are related to of one of the cruelest, nastiest, and most violent races in history. What they did over there doesn’t even begin to compare to anything most people have even seen or heard of. When I hear people here whining things like slavery I almost laugh. Because its a joke compared to what is still going on over there. The fucking US is busy spending billions to fight wars so that the spoiled ignorant fucks in this country can save 90c per gallon… real causes go ignored

I agree, its one of those things were until you have to experience it you will never know. Just like pearl harbor and 9/11. Its a whole nother ball game when its on your door step and not in news papers.

I have been following the Serb/Albanian/Kosovo situation for a long time.

It was the original powderkeg for WWI, and I will give it a 95% of being it again for WWIII.

Its coming, probably sooner rather than later.

Someone is going to say we have to get involved, someone will, fight for the rights of the albanians, the serbs will get pissed, call on russian and the communist allies to fight back and then it starts all over again.

Meh sort of. It’s not 1990 anymore and even in the last conlicts russia really just sat by and did nothing even when they said they would back serbia.

Although Russia is prospering. The last thing that they need is a war to ruin what growth they have gained. Even though Russia has a history of being aggressive, they know the world in which we live and how it has transformed since WWII. They will use what diplomatic tools they have until the last resort is violence. No major power really wants to start a war especially after the lessons had from Iraq.

We have been involved since 1995 really, when NATO was there in Bosnia, and again in 1998 when NATO got involved in Kosovo. We have the largest US military base in Europe in Kosovo, Camp Bondsteel.

It’s gonna take a special retard to kick off a major war. I really hope it’s not us.

^ I couldnt agree more, Russia does not want to go to war, they just cant.

I actually wouldnt be surprised if something did explode and happen such as a nuclear weapon detonated in serbia, and then to watch all the major powers go. Oh shit, thats horrible…and no one does anything becuase no country can afford to go to war.

I highly doubt that.

The Balkans (as a region) are just not very important in the 21st century, so the tragic situation there is not at all likely to start a wider conflict. WWIII has already started, BTW.