This is something I have been following now for about 8 years and something I know ALOT about.
I dont even know where to start. There is soo much history.
I guess what I can say is this. WWI started here and this could quite possibly be a powder keg for WWIII.
This region has been soo passionate for centuries and it stirs nationalism in people there and abroad.
The Ethnic Albanian Kosovars deserve peace and tranquility, I am afraid of the area becoming a drug mafia state as is a large part of europe.
I am not sure where putins successor stands on this subject but I am worried it will be an even more hardline stance. Which might arise tensions. Especially with relations already tense.
That section of the world has been sliced and diced soo much over the last few hundred years that it is hard to claim borders IMO. People live where they live. I think the serbs lost Kosovo in 1998 when they started to massacre the innocent civilians. Women and daughters raped, pregnant women sliced open and their fetous used for target practice. You think I’m kidding. I’m not. I have “family” that are all ethnic albanian that we helped get here to the US when this was going on and the horror stories are something short of Nazi death camps. Hell when the serbs attacked bosnia in 1991 the srebenicia massacre and mass graves was the largest act of genocide in europe since hitler.
It’s a sad state of affairs over there.
God Bless.