Serious Question... for pot/ex-pot smokers... seriously

first of all i dont understand yourr elation to her. you said a family member of mine who moved to florida. The you talk about your parents being pissed ather. Are your parents down there with her. Just dont quite understand that part. Secondly. Anyone who says pot has absolutley NO negative affects is an idiot. It impairs judgment and wreaks havoc on short term memory. Someone who is lazy to begin with should not smoke weed. Thats part of the reason why i quit. Although it all depends on how you use it as well. You said her grades havent changed since she started using it and neither did mine, but then again i was never high when doing school work or during school. You do have to kind of accept though that she is 17 and a girl and shes gonna bea real bitch to her parents until she gets a clue. Does she have a job? that will help some. She will also start to miss the things that have been taken away from her trust me.