seriousley wtf?

so im at a traffic light waiting for it to turn green and this gmc pick up truck pull up right beside me with his head sticking like half out his window… and as soon as the light turns green he burns out… then literlly lilke 5 min later at another light a dodge pickup truck does the exact same… seriousley wtf -__-

you live in london, thats all you have to look forward to. soon you will have a truck and do burnouts at lights

^ Hahahahaha

fucking white people man

light em up!!!


white trash… its everywhere

haha this never happens to me.

Maybe you should start doing burnouts when trucks pull up, seems like the thing to do

lmao god help us all .

From experience I came to the conclusion pickup trucks attract 2 types of people

  1. People that actually buy the truck for work related hauling
  2. Douchebags

If I had to add a 3rd group it would be 3. White people but that would be racist haha I do not know a single black/asian/indian etc that owns or have ever seen one driving a pickup truck.

lolllllllll its the st. T hicks comin to get groceries from london and terrorizing your streets.

but in all honesty sher, that cummins in that dodge would prlly dom show the shit outta that KA of yours haha

yeah pretty much…