set a new bench record at my gym in philly...

it is a shirt made to make your arms and chest only go in a certain motion. im 6ft1, around 250 or so. picture me putting on a girls size 0 tee shirt…but it doesn’t stretch or rip. that is hoe small my shirt looks. my wife weighs 116lbs, and she can’t put it on. its that tight/small. you have 3 guys help you put it on…1 holds you down, the other 2 grab and pull it down over you. it takes about 10 minutes to get it on.

once on, you stand like a zombie. literally. your arms can not fall down. so when your laying there benching, it keeps you in the power groove of the movement. however, if you miss the groove, you miss the lift, because the shirt wont work. it took me a good 4 bench workoutss to figure out to work my shirt to max capacity. go to they have pics of them.