SEX...Who has done it in their 240?

My car was not a virgin unfortunately, I came to the conclusion with my friends that the previous owner had some nasty asian black coloured skeet skeet that would turn my hands black after working that steering wheel for a while. I dont remember how we came up with “Asian black skeet skeet” but it sounded funny at the time and i did buy the car off an Asian guy so

Devo, you sure your leather steering wheel isn’t just flaking off? lol. I get the same thing when driving with somewhat moist/sweaty hands :wink:

LOL, oh dear.


Me and my girlfriend have sex in the 240 all the time but I think my wife is starting to suspect something is wrong.


i have a gf who says she will never for get the red hatch s13 i had for a month.

1990 S13 hatch… her on top… drivers seat… she was a gymnast… end of story

also moved it to the hood… and the hatch… in a public school parking lot parked behind a portable building…

also walked outside 2 some guy having a girl proped up on my hatch… I walked up and asked why she was on my car all calm… she looked at the guy and asked… what this isnt your car…?? lol



I woulda punched him in the face for disrespecting my car!! and then finished up with his girl!!

Bahahah! Yeah John O!



i have had sex many many times in my car. 89 s13. picking up random chicks from the bar and bring them out the s13. dam. many stories gota love them… 240sx = chick magnet
one night at a bar i fucked 2 chicks named steph and they lived on the same street…true story it was one of my posts. from back in the day. i was with my old gf and i was coming back from quebec and she was in her talon 90 tsi and i was in the 240 she text me and said she wanted to fuck. so we pulled over and did it on a side road on the hood. in huntsville.

+1 LOL

i like the memory foam idea, tweed gives nasty rug burns.

bar whores -1

depends on the bar, Trust me!

fuckers are havin a 240 Orgy up in this bitch

Hahaha, even other people having sex ON your 240, thats fucked.

I’ve had sex WITH my 240 many times.