SEX...Who has done it in their 240?

I Haven t tried it yet, but for sure the first thing when i get it on the road in the spring.

Haven t needed to yet. Had To much power in subs. Lets just say every girl thats been in my car has left very happy… TO MANY VIBES for most girls…

Definition #4

omg >.>


"Although efficient and fun to drive, it is a car widely associated with women and homosexual men.

While owning a Miata may not automatically make you gay, refering to it as your “cute” or “fabulous” little car will."

… i just about shit when i read that

Definition #10

"A car. Only faggots drives it. People who think small cars are cool because they have a small engine like their small dick to match with it. MAZDA company even said they made miatas to attract girls, and no, not to get girls, but for girls to DRIVE IT. BASICALLY, a car made for girls ONLY. If you are caught driving it then you must be gay or really happy to be a faggot.
Also, one of the top best selling gay cars in the world.
Compare volkswagon (Also for fags as well)
I saw eight faggots hopped out of a red miata mx-5 and then they went into 24hr fitness and started working out in the corner while making homosexual sounds to each other. "

I’m not martino

hatch, back seat down at the drive in hahaha and once after 2

Lmao, fuck you tim!

i have sex with my car alll the time

it may not have been a good thing, but a couple years back i was told you couldent have sex in my car, or while driving any car.

needless to say i took this as a challange.

did it countless times, in and around the cars/truck, got good at it, did it in the truck while driving and then the car while driving. the only problem is no cruse cnt.

Having sex in a nonHB would be like having sex under your bed LOL

Bahaha Man i lost my virginity In my 240sx!!! Fucking awesome!!! lmfao, In total had sex with 2 different girls plenty of times bahaha Definatly was worth it

^ how romantic haha

Roll cage = monkey bars… that is all.

Hahahahha sick

Must be quite the challenge. Never in a 240, but it was cramped enough in my 4-door Legacy…Mitsubishi Endeavor was quite spacious though :wink:

YEEEE I done it in the Convertible also…mad room!! and thats the only 240 i done it in…so have no say about a coupe or hatchback.

This is the funniest thread ever!!! what stories…(LOL)

lmfao Will(240sxlove) you are f-ing jokes man. cant be too happy over those 2 broads ;). they aint that special lmao ahahha jk man. call me up tomorrow or some shit ahaha.

this guy has done it in every car on his driveway lol,make sure you do a comoplete jizz inspection on the dash,roof n monkey bars before you attempt to go for a ride in his drift machine come spring lol

This is the most pathetic thread I have ever seen. Are you sure it wasn’t “just” the cars first time?