Shady McCoy

im a fan of the team thou so if he does good in the nfl sure that helps recruiting but what does that do for this team now? what is him gettin money doing for me as a fan of this Pitt team. hes turning his back on the program for money…sure thats good for him but thats no good for me. Fuck him.

why should i love a player that left my team hanging? HONESTLY… i am one of those guys so you cant hate but i’m not a bandwagon nut rider…i support PITT fully and anyone who is down for the PROGRAM. if shady leaves he is leaving the program. I’m not gonna get my Shady McCoy prize when he goes to the pros so why should i give a fuck. Revis atleast gave us 3 years. i can live with that, 2 years is unacceptable IMO. I’m sick of having to rebuild and rebuild and rebuild… next year was supposed to be the big year and he was a big part…