Shift 518: Cruise part II RAINED OUT =(

ok looks like im gonna go w/ turbo diesel

word bra, i might be going in this caravan…

sounds good to me !

heathers leavig for work around 8am, nicks calling me around 945isssssh.

are we picking you up on the way? no since in having you come all the way down to go all the up to exit 16

AND btw i have the camra :banana

ye pick me up on the way, im gonna be sleeping so just ring the bell and ill answer or my mom will either way i’ll wake up, i dont feel like riding the bike much more this season thats why i wanna ride with you guys, plus were best friends so it makes sense

:nuts Best friends dont let other best friends smoke fake pot.

:lol Ill be there in an hour!

ahhaha u asshole

i didnt even sleep yet dude ! i couldnt… i took a fuckin nap last night for 4 hours and cuz of that i couldnt sleep all fuckin night, but i got alot of work done so im happy, i can sleep in the car anyways!

Looks like it’s going to rain, my front tire doesn’t have enough tread on it to have a safe riding situation during rain periods :headbang

damn that sucks LOL

get on aim son

rain ::slight_smile:

so whens the NEXT rescheduled cruise gonna be? :slight_smile: