Shift Worthy News Story

This is not true.

I work for a small privately owned company. The owner is against unions to his core.

We have a couple pieces of machinery that aren’t serviceable by in-house technicians.

Multiple times in the past we have tried smaller companies in our area to service said equipment. JOKE. None of them had the expertise to solve this issue. They would stammer around for HOURS until they found something to hack for a temporary fix.

I suggested that we call in a union contractor. Holy fuck, I literally could have boiled an egg on his forehead. Reluctantly, I made the call.

MIND BLOWN. The experience level was not even in the same realm. Took the technician 2 hours. Yeah it was more expensive, yeah we had to hire out to a union contractor, BUT GUESS WHAT…we paid for educated experience and we got it.

You label a union as “not necessary” with no reason to back it up?

Just because?

I think you have the picture that high school text books painted. NYC steel workers hanging around drinking coffee and slapping nuts off each others hard hats. BARELY squeezing in an hours work before lunch.

IMO, unions can’t be generalized like that anymore.

This is seriously fucked up on the other hand.