Shift518 cruise 10/04/09: Now updated with meeting place and time!

im in if its nice out.

E - Do you need company?

not sure yet, ill let u know though.

E - If you need company let me know. KThx

I hope I can ride. Don’t want to take my Enzo out as I already prep it for winter.

sport compact fall nationals. last big show of the year, but i’m going to jersey for the whole weekend after that and i’d rather go on a cruise then pay money for the possibility of getting a 3 dollar trophy right now.

haha makes sense…

yea…but its a “show car” so it should probably be at a car show. lol. its alright its looking like it will be replaced in about a month and a half.

depending on weather, im in

i’m in, gonna drive the IS for one last cruise before it goes on the market :’(

Looks too be “light chance of rain” throughout the Adirondacks that day. About the best you can hope for, while it’s October in Upstate NY.

I was hoping to bolt up the winter wheels/tires and have some fun in the high peaks region.

What is it and what are you replacing it with?

yea yea…

Why are you selling it?

nice… hopefully it doesn’t up the chance of rain…

I already put the winter set up on…

91 mr2 with pink wheels…and i wont say anything about the other car till its in my hand, except to good friends. don’t want it to fall through and have people get the wrong idea.

i will be rocking my jlines…i will be praying for no snow in the high regions lol.

let me know if your going cause if your bringing Gina I will bring Jennie.

I bought an S4 and I can’t afford to keep both lol.

I hope its nice out. I’m looking forward to this

Anybody decide a time and place to meet off of exit 9?

Fair enough… good luck with the purchase…

Makes sense…

Maybe I’ll take the E39 instead of the Civic:ponder