Shift518 cruise 10/04/09: Now updated with meeting place and time!


It is in the original post. 0900 hours, Sears lot @ Wilton Mall. Departure 0915 hours

wilton mall is exit 15. i think they are meeting up to cruise to the meet up spot.

8:30-8:40 I’m guessing. Mobil maybe?

Yea I know the final meeting spot but a few of us were talking about meeting and driving up together from the clifton park area…

8:30 at Mobil works for me… thanks!

No prob. I’ll be in either the silver Porsche, or dark silver Skyline.

Whats the place were going to for lunch? Is it a sit down and order restaurant or just a nice place on the lake to grab some sandwiches?

Is Christy going with you?

Sam is whining about being in the car for 4 hours

Yea shes going, she likes going for long drives like that.

Good to know cause I have no clue where Wilton Mall is…

I think its a sit down type of place next to the lake, if its the same place I’m thinking of.

I had 38*F with rain/snow mix as I was going through the high peaks area today…snow on the mountain tops too.

I may have to bolt up the shitty Rotas sooner than I thought… :frowning:

Nice picts by the way.

Looks like riding is probably out of the question…:frowning:

It will probably be 70* and sunny Sunday lol

yo can i grab shotty with you?

NICE! hopefully the forcast doesn’t change…

I hope so, but I might not get to go afterall. My friend closed his house early and plan on moving in earlier, I promised I’d help him move. I will have to confirm with him tomorrow, let see what happens.

Count me in. Not sure which car it will be yet.

maybe in for this.

you sir are a liar. Maytag no longer uses boxes. They ship their appliances in plastic and styrofoam

so what is the count up to for who all is going?

Also, who all is meeting off of exit 9 to head up to Wilton together?