shipping a vehicle questions.

I can’t find what I’m looking for locally, and I don’t really have the time to fly to Texas or Arizona to drive something home so… Shipping looks to be my next best option.
My question is, how would I pay safely ? If I send someone 10K and they could just keep it. On the other side of things if they sent me the title I could just not pay.
I’m also guessing the buyer will need to be willing to deal with the hassle of shipping also?
Any company thats recommended ?

You should just get a round trip ticket and have the car shipped back once you’ve check it out and exchanged paper.

^^What he said is definitely a good way to have solid peace of mind on it. I bought a bike sight unseen off a guy on craigslist no less years ago. Talked to him on the phone, seemed trustworthy enough so I sent a bank check and he sent the title in the mail after it cleared. In hindsight, I totally could have been screwed. As far as shipping goes, that’s something that you’ll obviously need the seller to cooperate with for getting the vehicle picked up. I had my bike shipped through a bidder on The rate was very good, shipper was pretty good too. The delivery got pushed back due to a snow storm in the midwest and I had to constantly reach out to the shipper to get updates, but I didn’t mind it arriving late as it was still the middle of winter anyway. Aside from the delay, the entire process could not have gone more smoothly so I’d definitely check out uship and see what kind of bids you can get. I’ll definitely use them again if the situation warrants it.

A friend mentioned they had sent the money to a law firm that held the check until they received the clear title. Ones terms where ment for both parties the firm sent out the check / title to the correct parties. If I’m lucky I get 24hrs off in a row but it’s rare. So flying somplace isn’t easy.

Fire your employer then. Hire a new one.

Also in the the market for a new one.