Shipping a vehicle off eBay, how to stay protected?

So I might be buying a vehicle from eBay that is located 21 hours driving distance away. I’m not really down for that trip at the moment so I’ve been considering shipping it. My question is, what methods can I use to ensure I don’t get effed? Considering I’ll be financing it through a local bank, paypal won’t work.

I just don’t want to send money to a private seller whom I’ve never met and trust them to ship the vehicle.

Thoughts/advice? Do any shippers do a COD type of deal? Maybe I’m worrying too much, but there’s a lot of cheddar to be lost.

Also, the guy has 100% feedback, just not the longest history.

I have done it twice. I used U-Ship for shipping and just trusted that I would get the vehicle. Once through a private seller after talking to him a lot over the phone and another time from a dealer (dealer set up shipping on that one) but once again after many phone conversations. Usually you can feel someone out over the phone, see if they seem shady or not. The seller usually feels they have more to lose, and they have the same worry you do. They are not going to ship you the car and then just hope you send them the money. Good Luck.

Like you pointed out, even though you don’t feel like a trip, it is probably worth spending a day to fly out and check it out in person. You could then have it shipped back to you. Its a few hundred bucks but the peace of mind is well worth it. If not, try and find someone local that you know or trust that could maybe head out and check out the vehicle. I wouldn’t rely on his ebay feedback rating.

Can you get the bank to write the check in two amounts? Send half now half later sort of thing? My dad would be willing to go get it if the price is right. 21 hours, what is that about 1200 miles each way? That is like $600 in fuel round trip yikes.

What about fly in and drive home, it would only require one day off from work.

Ebay has buyer protection policies exclusive to auto purchases, I would become familar with them. They protect the buyer from the sellers non disclosures. No seller is going to take payment COD I would imagine, just do you homework on the car and ask enough questions. If the seller seems shady in any way I would not do the deal.

You arrange transport yourself, I used nationwide I think and had no issues. I bought a car on ebay in november in Minnesota without ever seeing it, worked out great for me.

Paulo I’m always down for a road trip, you know me.

I would normally go get it myself, but this isn’t the type of vehicle to drive across the country. I’m going to get some more phone time with him today and figure shit out. The fact that it’s a good deal makes me worry 10x more.

How many wheels does said vehicle have? does inspections. i had a buyer from CA actually used this service to check my car in the past.

willybeen approves this thread…

Why are there SO many idiotic questions about buying cars??? Why is the intelligence level on this website in the shitter so often?


I bet it’s the two wheeled variant.


Probably because:

  • Vehicle transactions usually involve a large amount of capital value, and people want to understand all the potential risks and details when putting up a relatively large amount of money on a purchase.

  • It’s not something that people do every day, and if you don’t know how to do something because you haven’t done it before, then why not ask people who have done it?

  • The ways in which people are able to buy vehicles change, and if you haven’t used ebay or shipping to purchase a vehicle, it doesn’t hurt to ask about the ins and outs.

^not to mention, go ahead and google…" nigerian scams, scams, etc etc…"

Awh if it is a bike, that can fit into a pick up truck and shipping is much cheaper.

is this for a go cart?

Why are you assuming this is in regards to a CAR?

Any seller that has ever met Jay should understand the absolute stupidity of this idea (from a sellers perspective).


Because I ride a fixie, mother fucker! WEEEEEEEEE!!!

---------- Post added at 02:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:44 PM ----------

I’m going to look into this. I’ve been talking to the guy a bit and he seems pretty good, but I really need to be sure.

---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:58 PM ----------

It would be nice if a carrier could accept the payment from me, and pay the dude as they picked it up. Then there’s a reliable third party involved. Why would that be so difficult. If they don’t pick something up, they mail my shit back to me. If it’s there, hand it off and boom diggity. Anything like this exist?

Yah I know. Just an idea. :shrug: I’ve purchased two cars off ebay and paid for them before I picked them up, but then again I picked them up.