Sold Car Help?

Long story short: Buyer paid me via paypal for a full amount for the vehicle, and I then transferred to my bank. He called me the next day stating he wanted to have a refund.

Basically he bought the car, and now we’re working out shipping. The original deal was he was to pay for shipping. Then when he wanted a refund I told him I could pay half because I felt bad.

My question: can I go back to the original parameters of the deal where he pays full shipping (as I have no legal obligation to pay half)?

he wants shipping refunded or ALL of it and doesnt want the car.
how much is shipping? at this point if its sold if you just pay some of the shipping? pay it - get it the F out of your life and move on

how much $$$ are we talking about here… I would take a cut for my time wasted and give the rest back. No negotiation. he doesn’t like it then he can come and get his car or sue you.

Don’t forget about an associated paypal fees

Paypal fees were $50, and now shipping can be anywhere up to $200 for half (he hasn’t provided me a concrete number).

I already have the full payment for the vehicle. Just curious if i’m legally obligated to split shipping charges, if not then morally?

The only thing I’d worry about is with Paypal for the whole car… I’ve heard some crazy stories about the buyer completely fucking the seller through paypal. IE: paypal locking down your account, then going into your linked checking account and withdrawing the $$.

This is true. But I think “buyer protection” doesn’t apply to vehicles so I’m uncertain why paypal would do that.

I sold “as is”, “sight unseen”.

^ This. I’d never trust paypal for a transaction like selling a car. Just too many horror stories of sellers getting screwed. Now that the money has been moved out of your paypal account into your checking I’d seriously consider removing your checking account link to paypal at least until this transaction is 100% settled.

As for the car, you and the seller negotiated in good faith and the buyer completed the transaction by transferring funds. You then agreed to split the cost of the shipping even though you didn’t have to so now you’re on the hook for that. I’m guessing if this ended up in court the buyer would have emails from you verifying you agreed to pay 1/2 the shipping. Beyond that I wouldn’t agree to anything else and if the buyer really tries to be a prick send him a registered mail letter explaining that after 30 days he will start incurring storage fees if the car is not picked up. Hopefully you can resolve this without it coming to that though.

Yes, you are correct. I guess i needed the money for my father I didn’t think about all that.

i did unlink my bank and credit just to be sure.

if you got the money out from paypal they can get pissed, but probably can get you as easily.

What do you mean?

---------- Post added at 11:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------

Should I close my paypal account, or is removing my linked accounts good enough?

I basically don’t want to get scammed.

Paypal will still give him his money back,then they will send a collection agency to get the money you have.

Ineligible Items. PayPal Purchase Protection only applies to PayPal payments for certain tangible, physical goods. Payments for the following are not eligible for reimbursement under PayPal Purchase Protection:

-Intangible items, including Digital Goods
-Real estate, including residential property
-Vehicles, including motor vehicles, motorcycles, caravans, aircraft and boats

Can he even open a claim? I think vehicles are not covered under buyer protection, and he didn’t buy on eBay.

Plus it’s sold “as is”, “sight unseen”. I would think state laws over-ride paypal.

I’d send him an email saying you offered to pay for half the shipping, but under the current circumstances you will not be paying for any shipping and he can come get the car. The car has been under your possession for longer then expected and it is his responsibility to remove the car. At this point in time you will be charging $50 per day for storing the car. Have a nice day.

Basically im just not going to bother with the hassle of not splitting the shipping cost.

Now the buyer wants me to write that he bought it for $500, and I am not comfortable doing so. Can he legally hold me to essentially committing tax fraud?

Oh,I thought it was eBay related…I don’t think personal payments can be reversed unless the payment method was unauthorized ( stolen card or bank info). Yeah,he cant legally hold you for that because it is tax fraud like you mentioned.

Writing down the sale amount in a documented non-cash deal… yikes.

I wouldnt write down anything but the sale price. Tell him to gtfo.

Yeah wtf, this is a shit show. What the heck did you sell him, some super rare car?

Writing down a smaller amount as sale price isn’t that big of a deal. Isn’t that what everyone in NY does?