Sounds Like a scam

So I have my car for sale posted on another board and I get this PM
Shipping? awesome car would love to buy it but i live on the west coast in the san francisco bay area is there any chance of shipping it to me for the right price? would be willing to pay 6500-7000 including shipping depending on the shipping cost thanks.No the car is posted for 5600 bucks, Thinks its a scam or should I get a bank check transfered into my account then ship it out?

I’ll drive it out there for you. For some cash of course.

people ship cars all the time…
as long as you get the money 1st that’s all that matters

Thats what I was thinking I have a month off recovering from surgery but he is willing to pay 2 grand over asking price and what would shipping be 500-600 at the most? the guy has not posting history on the board so it smells funny but will keep you in mind. Thanks

shipping by a good car shipper is about 1k or so … so depending on who he wanted to use… he said 6500 which is only 900 extra sounds ok

Is your car something that isn’t easily attainable? Why is he trying so hard to get it?

He came to you asking, so if you can get the money in your account, and cleared, gopher it. Just be very cautious. Usually if you keep going with it the signs become more obvious.

it wouldn’t be 500-600.

it’d be closer to a G or more to ship a car to the west coast.

you can get price quotes for shipping vehicles if you google. i remember looking up rates for a car from AZ to NY and rates varied from 750-1200

find out how he wants to handle payment to see if its a scam or not

cash in your bank before you hand the keys to the shipping company. If he tries to do anything shady with the money walk away. Or request he calls you on the phone to talk about the car. I would say something is off unless you selling some stupid rare car.

Default Re: Shipping?
i would be willing to pay for it before shipped got a quote from elma ny to san lorenzo ca for 627 id be willing to give u 6750 including shipping thats an extra 500 for the troubles of having to ship. let me know really want this car!

He must really want it. I think I will play this out a bit. Its just a 2 door subaru non- turbo.

non-rare car + overpaying intentionally + buying from the rust belt when you live in cali = scam

+1 It’s a scam

You will get the check and put it in your bank. It will clear and you will ship the car. A week later the check will come back as a fraud and you will owe the money plus not have a car.

good luck, Chuck

Usually the scams are people from overseas, and the english isn’t so good. Have the dude call you.

Have the guy call you on the phone and discuss the matter. Don’t rely just on message boards.

I shipped my car down to Louisiana, this is very common.


What kind of car are you selling?


Well, it’s kind of rare. But as mentioned it doesn’t make much sense to buy a rust belt car when you live in CA.

Ask the guy for a phone number where you can reach him. I bet all contact stops after that.

Even if he gives a phone # it still very well may be a scam, theres such a thing as prepaid phones with cash

Agreed, but the majority of the time contact just stops when you ask for a phone number.

Even if you do talk to him I’d still be very suspicious. I’d require a postal money orders, then use this to verify it:

Certified check scams are rampant and as stated even if you deposit and it clears they can come back a week or more later and say it was fake.

as much as it’s fun to watch this thread, it’s an OBVIOUS scam.

Um why?

yeah I was planning this to be a scam and I asked why by from here on the East Coast like there are not enough GC in Cali. I told him bank wire transfer and once the bank says all is good with the money and its not form a stolen credit card or check I would ship then. I am pressing him to see how he reacts today. Yesterday he would not leave me alone. I checked with a company out of Elma and quoted me 675 for shipping. But I will wait for the guy to answer me first . I am not losing the car and money . I just figured a guy who really like my car and the extras and was one of these had to have it people.