On a MINI tractor? haha
I want more pictures.
HotRodKid, you gotta change that avatar. Every time I see it I forget what I’m doing.
there is a video on youtube. The owner got on shoforum to ask what the revlimiter was because he was worried he was over reving the engine. we asked what he was reving it to and he said he would just floor it and side step the clutch and win. There is a couple nasty SHO powered dune buggies kicking around too. I think it runs 12.4 but spins almost every gear since he run off road tires. still not bad.
I truly thought this thread was a joke when I first saw it. I’m pleasantly shocked to see you going through with this. Although I would NEVER in my right mind even consider this combo, props to making it happen.
In for results.
If this isn’t you…you might have a soul mate there is a house on clearfield in williamsville with two shos in the driveway one with the motor out.
more pics of build?
That has to be one of the worst noises I’ve ever heard in my life. I pray to god your car doesn’t end up sounding like that.
I guess you really are getting bashed for the build, I just read every page. I personally wouldn’t give a fuck what anyone else had to say. I can’t wait to see what this motor is capable of, and the car.
After seeing this thread I did a little research. It seems as if the Yamaha motor is pretty stout. Forged crank and rods. Don’t seems to blow up to much if at all. Seems the ones that have been destroyed have been from a lot of boost on the stock pistons or just a burnt piston from shitty tuning. I’m curious as to what this motor and combo can do.
Go for it.
moving forward on the project. someone on SHOforum posted a set of twin turbo manifolds for sale. They spend a few years on a twin turbo SHO powered dune buggy and he has upgraded to larger turbos so I got them cheap. I do not have them in my hands yet but I am pretty sure they will require some reworking to make them fit. The original plan was to have the turbos tucked tightly to the block but it will be interesting to see if this setup will clear the brake master cylinder. Maybe I can flip them and modify them slightly. Guess I will have to wait to see once i get them next week.
that just looks evil.
mmmm, twin turbo twin throttle body 3.0l v6 that can rev all the way to god …
I found what this motor look like in the above pic:
i dont get why you are complaining about traction issues in a 300hp car that weighs 3800lbs. zomg wheel spin! car is so fast!
either way goodluck :picard:
Below… the word is below.
Perfect reference pic though.
Now paint the tranny pink for good luck.