Shooting at ECMC

Progrocker, your posts suck lately.

Arming people who are capable and of sound mind is not a bad thing… stupid liberals

I’m not against guns. But with the the seemingly increasing idiocy that appears on the news every night; it makes me wonder if some people are capable of making logical decisions and operating a firearm. I have friends that own guns and I question if I’d feel safe with them and a loaded gun. Are there people that can own a gun, maintain it, and operate it properly? Of course. But guns are for 3 things…Sport, Hunting, and self protection. I think increasing the amount of people with firearms would increase the amount of “I don’t like what you said about my girlfriend” type scenarios. #twocents

Arming the general public != arming people of sound mind. Are you nuts?

Guns start bullets, they don’t stop bullets. I don’t think having a gun in her purse would have done her any good in this situation, unless she was like chuck norris fast.

That being said, thank God for gun control. There must have been countless times when someone was stopped from killing another person by not being able to buy a gun without committing a crime and a long arm just not being dramatic enough so the would-be killer gives up and just makes a pop tart instead.

I’m not for gun control, I’m all for bullet control! -Chris Rock.

Just found this out yesterday, my cousin was the law enforcement officer that found his body…she is a parole officer and they called everyone they could in to try and find him

I was hoping for a little more drama, police work before they found him. No one else to get hurt, just a little more sport in it, and an arrest so he could rot in jail. Glad we don’t have to pay for him to live out his years in jail though.

Arming people and arming everyone is not what I said… shameonyoupaulo.

I’m not against people owning guns, i think the requirements should be more based on the persons ability to qualify and proficiently use the weapon. Too many people down here have CCW’s and i think would struggle to hit center mass from 10 ft.

That is a scary thought.

I’ve never almost thought of killing somebody with a gun, but i can think of times where it would have given me 10x more security (feeling)

IB4 gun debate 2012

Statistically… Conservative states have less crime than liberal anti gun law states.

Thats a fact jack.


My point is that relaxing the restrictions put on gun ownership allow just about anyone to get a gun. Crazy people don’t always seem crazy. (i.e. doctors that commit murder/suicide)

Anddd my point is, by restricting it so much will ensure that virtually only bad guys will be carrying guns.

Ie… dr’s murdering people.

Shall issue states ftw!

Gun “control” only controls those willing to obey the restrictions. Criminals aren’t usually too worried about consequence for their actions.
I should move to FL!!!


We have tons of guns at my work. When I got my 1952 model 12 it was like show and tell, all the guys loved it. I know of at least 3-4 guns in my workplace at all times. I don’t see why responsible people of sound mind can’t own a gun. Texas is one of the most gun liberal gun law states and it doesn’t have any more crime then any other large city.

Buffalo is pretty safe considering NY has some of the most strict gun laws… lol

^ [sarcasm] BUT BUT BUT… it would be better if we just passed more gun control laws![/sarcasm] /bloomberg

lol @ anyone thinking of further restriction or eliminating the right to carry. We will all be super safe when the only people who carry are criminals.

:bigclap: at renzo