Shop - Just about ready

Ski and I have our car lot/ repair shop just about ready to populate … sans asphalt still to come.

Current stock is limited to some cheap tax season Vehicles:

2002 BMW 3 series Coupe

2000 Yukon XL Shift price $4400 plus handjob to be given to Vlad

1997 Riveria

And I believe the rest of the stock on hand has been sold.

The left side bay is still potentially open to the right person / detailer / mechanic if the stars align.


you looking for somebody to spin wrenches part time nights and weekends?

nice! I’ll stop in and see you homey, nice and close

Not as an employee … looking for good use of space thats mutually beneficial.

real close! I’m not there much, for now I’ll likely just be there thursday afternoons and maybe weekends. Stop in anytime… key some lux cars.

Looks like a nice little shop! Where is it?

Jammer…good to see you Thursday night. Wish we had an opportunity to chat more. I’ll be stopping in to your new shop to talk.

Jammer, very interested. Sending you a text.

i cant believe this entire forum isnt jumping like mad men at this opportunity… To own your own shop you can expect to pay a miinimum of 1500 rent with OUT utlities!!

Free rent and just work on jammers shit when its broke is an insaanneee deal.

Im not seeing where it says free rent

i coulda sworn thats what he was saying in the beginning…maybe im wrong.

Yeah that’s the deal. Run a detail shop in there and get your space for free, just clean up and detail cars for him IIRC. SICK deal but I suck at that sort of thing.

he said hell now do a mechanic orr detail shop

It takes the right person with the right idea. We’re open to listen and see if it fits. Money is secondary and fully dependent on whatever deal is worked out. In discussions with a least one member. Obviously were looking for something mutually beneficial, but of course our benefit is primary. We are nothing if not fair. It’s an opportunity for some one to open a discussion and put their best foot forward and really have a chance to break out. It will take the right person.

Definitely a great deal for someone.

I’m not looking for another on the books job. I’ll send you a pm later when I’m not on my phone, but if your looking for somebody to do mechanical repair work and safety checks on used vehicles on an as needed basis I’m more then qualified and interested.

God if I actually wasn’t nervous as shit I would do my own thing there . Such a good opportunity and jammer is a very standup guy

Go for it. I’m sure people here would set you up with business. I’d bring my shit there if I had something I didn’t want to do myself.

I dont want your boobies/ball sac on cars I just cleaned GTFO