Shopping makes me horny

so today was an interesting day at work. for thoes of you that dont know i work at JCPenneys in the mall and we cought a couple having sex in one of the womens fitting room today lol i guess they could not wait any longer.

also one of our associates came in drunk as fuck today and puked all over the place lol.

Sweet, wanna hook it up on some clothes? Tell me where to meet ya and i will walk out with a shit load of clothes. Hhaha.

So did you join them? Or watch and beat off?

Did the drunk guy get fired?

ahahahah thats awesome! i used to bang all over the place when i was younger with my X-GF…a dressing room was one of them!

was the chick at least hott?

i didnt see them i just heard about it

hey the bed gets boring sometimes…

Bah you shoulda busted in with dick in hand yellin “skeet skeet skeet”


ive actually gone underneath the clothing racks before and gotten :open_mouth:

haha ditto!

wtf I gotta start workin at a department store lol.

2 years from now when I have 35 kids…

Heat of the moment, a wonderful thing. :slight_smile:

No vids, No care lol

so… do you just tell them to stop and go someplace else? or what are the consequences here?

Policy at my store is to either A) ban them an report them to mall security or B) Call the cpd and have them arrestd for public lewdness or some shit like that.

we are so baller

but then, seeing as the po-po isn’t the one to “catch them in the act” isn’t it your word vs theirs? easiest BS charge to get off from imo… :gotme:

no because our security went and got them


lol funny shit man