short vid : fairshity z vs r34

Who you calling fairshitty eh? It owned the R34 and the R34 already had definitive advantage due to wet weather

yeah iv seen the same one run in a different video , its got a great gear ratio , they made it just fro running tight corners … can u tell what year it is?

Entirely because of RABBITs neglect for reasoning and lack of respect and maturity to all Z owners. He’s obviously delusional creating such a horridly insulting title. How can you insult a Z when you are still driving around a Neon???
No offence RABBIT. You’re a good guy and all, but this is definitely an offensive choice.

as much as i like the cars in videos like that, i still don’t understand the objective in how they race…

theres a reason rabbits doing this. all of you will find out in 2 weeks. that mcr r34 has sadly been owned a couple of times.

That’s great if he has a reason, but at least point it out to us.
The point is to unite the Nissan community, not segregate it by vehicle.
As shallow as it sounds, it’s like Black from the White and calling the Black people a derogatory name.

Rabbit, it would be great if you respond personally to this rather than Alex responding for you.

its a cat and mouse style of racing , the leader car tries to pull away as far as it can and the following car tries to stay on his tail , if the leader car makes more then a car length of room between the pursuing car and its self then he wins. and the "cat’ car wins if he maintains a car length or closer behind the mouse car.

whoaaaaaa calm down , i joke about fairladies just because pretty much the majority of the ppl on this site own them .

tis not the majority of us…i actually feel we are the minority…but still…we’re alll nissans

The numbers of 240SX being S13 or S14 are probably the highest population vehicle on this board. That would be around the same as the S13 that I believe you desire over the rest. Still with that fact, no one makes fun of the Silvia, Sil-80, 180SX, 200SX, 240SX, Gazelle and other name designations for the same car. As a whole, the Nissan S-Chassis Platform.

This still does not reveal the elucid reason to the insults.

You’re also misunderstanding my attitude. You know me based on past meets that I don’t get worked up over much. There’s nothing to calm down at all.

ah k ill stop my bashing then . i really didn’t know u cared about it so much.
sorry man,

I have to agree with pcpoa here.

Now as a revenge, we shall bash your neon!!! SLOW PIECE OF SHIT!!!

:hmm hehehehehe.:R <----for people who get this keep quiet. :smiley:

w00t 12 more days :C

i said keep quiet!!! lol

So what colour is your Skyline gonna be?

pffffffffffff what do u think i am , made of money?

ya i agree, why bash at the Z? there great cars

i fixed the title how it should of been.
short vid : FAIRLADY z vs r34