Should Bush Be Impeached?

Ok, I’ll recap:

Dow: Up (way up, even though the .com bubble popped and 9/11 tanked the economy)
Nasdaq: Up
Unemployement: 4.5% (this is the target)
Terrorist attacks: 0
Attacks foiled: Several
Taxes: Down (if you work and actually pay taxes anyway)

Yes, the war sucks. And no, knowing what we know now I don’t think I’d support going in. But, based on what we thought we knew when we went in, it was the right call. Hell, even the liberal poster boy Bill Clinton thought WMD’s were there. He said, “They had them in my presidency, there is no proof they got rid of them”.

Both parties voted to go into this war and now that we’re there, regardless of it’s popularity, we have to finish the job.

I really dislike his attitude lately. I really dislike his stance on stem cells, abortion, and religion in general. But I totally disagree with statements like, “he’s run this country into the ground”, especially coming from spoiled little kids who are more than likely living off the prosperity their parents are enjoying in this country.