Should we be scared?

if it does what its supposed to it would be a great investment

If it opens up a door to some kind of strange new dimension ala half-life… that would be really cool.

I would’ve sworn this was a repost…


I love science, and while the amount invested seems unbelievable, it’s these kind of demands that are always present around life changing discoveries.

At the rate at which our Earth is crumbling, I’d like my grandchildren’s grandchildren to have a chance at living :beer2:

^fuck them ungrateful little shits. What did they ever do for you?

Bump. Dividing by zero in 26 days.

Could be the slowest loading website I have ever seen.

should we all have sex for the last time before they turn on the machine?

wow, kinda reminds me of the divinci code, the book, not the movie

That is really fucking awsome…kinda reminds me of “The Myst” though. lol.

im waiting for them to turn it on and it doesnt even work…or just implodes into a black hole and sucks all of england into it.

I’m not excited about this.
I think its very much pointless, and with that risk, the rest of the world should say it isnt happening.

ya it is pretty slow.

I’m all for them turning this thing on and seeing what happens. But just to be safe, I think the night before I’ll eat a nice filet for dinner, get mad drunk and have sex with the g/f just to make sure I get it all in. Just in case.

Those damn French and Swiss are up to something.

But some critics fear the Large Hadron Collider could exceed physicists’ wildest conjectures: Will it spawn a black hole that could swallow Earth?
Or spit out particles that could turn the planet into a hot dead clump?

Great quote material in this one:

However, Cox also admitted there was a tiny, tiny risk the device could create conditions that would obliterate the planet and all human life.

Throw the switch. Even if they’re wrong it sounds like a better way to go than some of the other doomsday predictions. :slight_smile:

We wouldnt even know it happened, just a lot of wind and phoomp. no more existance.

This sounds like a better idea than finishing out the day.

Soooo, I should enjoy july as much as possible cause that bitch is being fired up in august?

theres no point in firing it up, shit is assanine.
This falls under who gives a shit and why bother imo

damnitt, I thought this was going to be a post stating you are voting for Obama

you suck at life and really should just dead yourself already

man, that’s a little scary. If it does destroy the known universe, hopefully it goes as fast as possible.